Date: 08/21/2015

Staff Updates


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02:59 PM -- Staff Updates

Damion Pechota, Legislative Council Staff, updated the committee about the Creative Capitol exhibit in the basement rotunda of the Capitol. He also discussed restoration work to replace the damaged granite at the base of the Joseph P. Martinez statue.

Mr. Pechota discussed the assessment of the recently found Governors' portraits and the costs of restoring them. The Western Center for the Conservation of Fine Arts (WCCFA) completed the assessment (Attachment E). Senator Cadman and Mr. Pechota discussed the portraits.

Attachment E.pdfAttachment E.pdf

Ms. Contiguglia and Mr. Pechota discussed possible funding for the restoration. Mr. McKay and Mr. Pechota discussed where there would be space to display all the portraits. Mr. McNulty noted that the portraits have value but they are an odd assortment of sizes. He suggested that some of them could potentially be located at the Governor's Mansion. Mr. McNulty added that the Governor's Office should be involved in a funding discussion.

Mr. Pechota noted that two portraits are not of Governors.

03:08 PM

The committee adjourned.