Date: 07/22/2015

BILL SUMMARY for Overview of the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan


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06:14 PM -- Overview of the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan

Rebecca Mitchell, Water Supply Planning Section Chief, Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB), presented the second draft of the state water plan. She provided background on the state plan's impetus and deadline schedule, summarized the critical action plan contained in Chapter 10 of the plan, and explained changes that were made between the first and second drafts of the plan. Elements considered "critical" in Chapter 10 of the plan include the development of a multi-purpose funding plan, promotion of multi-purpose initiatives, promotion of sustainable cities, addressing of agricultural viability and efficiency, support for environment and recreation, and preparation for an uncertain future. Ms. Mitchell also expounded upon Section 9.4 of the state plan, which concerns permitting actions. She stated that the CWCB is seeking opportunities for permitting efficiency through the identification of redundancies. She also emphasized Chapter 5 of the plan, which now includes a "stretch" goal for municipal water conservation.