Date: 12/14/2015

Overview of FY 2016-17 Capital Construction Requests and Available Revenue


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10:05 AM -- Overview of FY 2016-17 Capital Construction Requests and Available Revenue

Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, provided an overview of the FY 2016-17 capital construction and controlled maintenance requests from all state department and higher education institutions and the costs associated with these, as well as the amount of funding available for capital construction. Committee members received a memorandum outlining these issues, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment B). Ms. Donaldson responded to questions regarding transfers to be made for capital construction under Senate Bill 09-228, and the potential for these transfers to offset any transfers for capital from the General Fund. Ms. Donaldson responded to questions regarding how the hospital provider fee issue will impact available revenue for capital construction.

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10:16 AM

Ms. Donaldson returned to briefing the committee on FY 2016-17 capital requests and available funding. Ms. Donaldson next briefed the committee on the 20-year history of revenues committed to capital construction, and the priorities for capital projects forwarded by OSPB and CCHE. Ms. Donaldson responded to questions regarding a request for capital funding by the Colorado Department of Transportation for unspecified highway projects, and the ability of other departments to request capital funding for unspecified projects. Discussion ensued regarding the potential for requiring the department to specifically identify a project for funding under this line item. Discussion ensued regarding the total cost of the projects that OSPB suggests funding in FY 2016-17. Mr. Matt Becker, Legislative Council Staff, provided input on these costs.

10:28 AM

Ms. Donaldson noted some adjustments made to the FY 2016-17 capital budget requests list. Ms. Donaldson noted some features added to the staff-created project write-ups for FY 2016-17, and discussed some other staff-created documents available to the committee. Ms. Donaldson also explained that one project was moved from the committee's scope to the Joint Technology Committee, and noted some trends and anomalies in the capital requests for FY 2016-17.

10:40 AM

Ms. Donaldson responded to questions regarding the threshold for determining whether a project falls under the domain of the Joint Technology Committee. Discussion ensued regarding the ramifications of not funding certain continuation projects in favor of funding controlled maintenance projects, as proposed by Joint Budget Committee Staff. Ms. Donaldson noted a capital construction budget request funded by depreciation moneys, and discussed some forthcoming capital requests not included in the members' project binders.

10:48 AM

The committee recessed.