Date: 09/09/2015

Senator Moe Keller Remarks


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03:41 PM -- Senator Moe Keller Remarks

Former Senator Moe Keller introduced herself and distributed a handout (Attachment D). She presented information about a mental health program offered in Tennessee as an opportunity for Colorado to consider. She explained that this program is a partnership between the school districts, counties, and Mental Health America of Tennessee and offers a classroom-based presentation for students grades 6 through 12 that covers such topics as recognizing feelings, bullying, self-harm, and the importance of engaging with adults. According to Senator Keller, the program is in 83 schools in Tennessee and has very little cost.


Scott Glaser of the National Alliance on Mental Illness provided an overview of a new program offered by his organization called "Ending the Silence" and distributed a handout (Attachment E). Senator Keller reviewed the model curriculum for the Tennessee program and noted that the information is proprietary and not available for distribution. Senator Newell asked if there is data regarding the program's effectiveness. Senator Keller indicated that there is about 15 years of Tennessee data, which is collected by United Way. Mr. Glaser responded that his program has data from participants as well. Mr. David Crews asked how school districts can get involved. Senator Keller stated that she and Mr. Glaser are available as resources and that schools can also approach their county commissioners, school district administrators, and their community mental health center.
