

Time:09:10 AM to 10:31 AM
Martinez Humenik
Place:HCR 0112
This Meeting was called to order by
Senator Neville T.
Neville T.
This Report was prepared by
Matt Becker
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
“Why Accessibility?” Presentation
Update on Unemployment Insurance IT Modernization Project
Other Business
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

09:10 AM -- “Why Accessibility?” Presentation

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Mr. Michael Hess, Founder and Executive Director, and Ms. Su Hawk, Board of Directors, both representing the Blind Institute of Technology (BIT), came to the table to give a presentation on "Why Accessibility?". Mr. Hess discussed his experience with being vision impaired and his use of information technology (IT) in a work environment. He also discussed Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, making electronic and IT services accessible to persons with disabilities. He also discussed the definition of accessibility under Section 508, compliance standards documented by the Section 508 Access Board, and examples of accessible technology, including screen readers, keyboard-only navigation, and low dexterity pointers. Discussion ensued on best practices for IT accessibility by vision-impaired persons, including color and multimedia standards.

09:21 AM

Mr. Hess discussed statistics about the blind labor force and how BIT works to improve these statistics. In response to a committee question regarding disadvantages faced by blind individuals in the labor force and their employment at state agencies, Mr. Hess discussed employment opportunities that national corporations have provided for visually impaired persons. Committee discussion ensued on research related to the cost of providing IT services that are accessible to everyone, including hearing-impaired individuals. Mr. Hess discussed the business case for hiring visually impaired individuals and how other state agencies can become more aware of how to employ them.

09:34 AM

Committee discussion ensued about opportunities for collaboration between BIT and the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE). Ms. Hawk further discussed the talent of visually impaired individuals and how private businesses can become more aware of employment issues with the help of BIT. Discussion also ensued on how colleges, universities, and public schools engage visually impaired students and encourage them to seek employment.

09:48 AM

Committee discussion ensued on how the committee can ensure new IT projects are Section 508 compliant and that the request for proposal (RFP) process through the Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT) incorporates accessibility.

09:54 AM -- Update on Unemployment Insurance IT Modernization Project

Mr. John Lizza, First Assistant Attorney General, came to the table to give an update on CDLE's Unemployment Insurance IT Modernization project. Mr. Lizza stated that a more comprehensive update on the project will be coming in the near future pending negotiations with the vendor.

09:58 AM -- Other Business

Mr. David McCurdy, Chief Technology Officer, OIT, came to the table to give an update on OIT's recent work regarding IT accessibility, including Section 508 compliance. Committee discussion ensued on vendor requirements for IT accessibility and their responses to RFPs, as well as how OIT will move forward with improving IT accessibility.

10:13 AM

Ms. Jessika Shipley and Mr. Gary Lucas, both representing Legislative Council Staff, came to the table to give an update on the committee's upcoming activities.

10:31 AM

The meeting adjourned.