Date: 02/17/2015

Presentation by CU Anschutz Chancellor Don Elliman


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11:15 AM -- Presentation by CU Anschutz Chancellor Don Elliman

Don Elliman, Chancellor, University of Colorado Anschutz, introduced himself and discussed the economic contributions to the state of the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora. He provided two handouts to the committee (Attachments A and B). The campus includes the Anschutz Medical Campus and affiliated hospitals. The campus supports approximately 40,000 jobs.

150217 AttachA.pdf150217 AttachA.pdf150217 AttachB.pdf150217 AttachB.pdf

11:19 AM

Lilly Markes, Vice President for Health Affairs for the University of Colorado and Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Colorado Anschutz , described the physical plant of the campus and the types of facilities operating on the campus and how those facilities have been funded. She discussed student enrollment at the campus and the impact of those graduates on workforce needs both in Colorado and nation wide.

11:29 AM

Chancellor Elliman discussed the types of research being done on the campus including stem cell research and bioengineering. Anschutz is the largest research facility in the state. He responded to comments from Senator Balmer and responded to additional questions from the committee.

11:41 AM

Ms. Markes responded to questions from the committee regarding mental health facilities and research. She discussed the impact of new insurance requirements on uncompensated care on the campus.

11:45 AM

Chancellor Elliman discussed the impact of start up companies on the surrounding neighborhoods as well as for the state as a whole. He and Ms. Markes talked about the impact of drug development on the economy and how to increase the opportunities for developing medications on campus.

11:55 AM

Ms. Markes discussed the role of Anschutz as a model for other communities coming to Anschutz to learn about redeveloping former military bases.

11:59 AM

The committee adjourned.