Date: 01/06/2015

OSPB Presentation of Prioritized FY 2015-16 Budget Requests


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02:28 PM -- OSPB Presentation of Prioritized FY 2015-16 Budget Requests

Mr. Henry Sobanet, Director, and Mr. Erick Scheminske, Deputy Director, Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB), presented the Governor's recommendations for capital spending for FY 2015-16. Committee members received a packet of slides forming the basis for the presentation, prepared by OSPB staff (Attachment N). Mr. Sobanet briefed the committee on the FY 2015-16 budget outlook, referencing the contents of Attachment N. Mr. Sobanet responded to questions regarding the outlook for the impact of Medicaid spending on the state's budget, and the impact of this spending on the capital spending outlook.

150106 AttachN.pdf150106 AttachN.pdf

02:38 PM

Mr. Sobanet briefed the committee on public school spending for FY 2011-12 through FY 2016-17, as outlined in Attachment N, and the impact of this spending on funding available for capital construction. Mr. Sobanet responded to questions regarding projected budget transfers for capital construction, and the effect of other budget responsibilities on capital spending in future years. Mr. Sobanet responded to questions regarding moneys generated by State Trust lands for public education, and the effective date of transfers for capital construction under SB 09-228. Mr. Sobanet responded to questions regarding the rationale for the passage of SB 09-228, and the potential for long-term fiscal reform.

02:55 PM

Mr. Sobanet responded to questions regarding the need for the Governor's Office of Information Technology Public Safety Communications Network Microwave Infrastructure Replacement project, and the ability to phase the project.