Date: 03/04/2015

BILL SUMMARY for HB15-1095


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

11:11 AM -- HB15-1095

Representative Carver, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 15-1095. The bill allows a common interest community (commonly referred to as a homeowners' association, or HOA) created before the 1992 enactment of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) to be exempt from certain provisions of CCIOA if the HOA's annual assessments do not exceed a statutory threshold of $300. To qualify for the new exemption, the $300 limit must be established in the HOA's recorded declaration or bylaws. Representative Carver distributed and explained amendment L.002 (Attachment B). She responded to questions from the committee about the safety clause on the bill.


11:17 AM --
Suzanne Leff, representing the Community Associations Institute, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Leff indicated that the bill is narrow and appropriate.

11:19 AM --
Dave Munger, representing the Council of Neighbors and Organizations, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Munger spoke about the types of HOAs that will be affected by the bill.

11:23 AM --
Leonard Rioth, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.

11:25 AM --
William Schmidt, representing the Comstock Village HOA, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Schmidt explained that his HOA is limited in how much it can charge each of its members.

11:29 AM --
Gary Kujawski, representing the Department of Regulatory Agencies, came to the table to answer questions about the bill. Mr. Kujawski explained why some small HOAs are not included in the existing exemption.

11:32 AM

The bill was laid over to the end of the calendar. The committee recessed.