Date: 01/20/2015

Presentation on Aging


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01:31 PM -- Presentation on Aging

Representative Primavera called the committee to order. She distributed a memorandum to the committee outlining her procedures for committee operations and reviewed the memorandum with the committee (Attachment A).

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01:36 PM

Bob Semro, Bell Policy Center, introduced himself and distributed two handouts to the committee (Attachments B and C). He discussed the increase in the state's aging population, which is estimated to increase by 123 percent between 2010 and 2030. He explained that by 2040, Colorado residents aged 65 and older will represent 19 percent of Colorado's total population. He specifically focused on the portion of the population over the age of 80 and the services these individuals require.

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01:41 PM

Mr. Semro discussed the increase in the number of Coloradoans with Alzheimer's Disease. He further discussed how the Medicaid program finances coverage for long-term care and the amount of care that is provided by family members and other informal caregivers. He discussed surveys regarding the financial security of the baby boomer and retiree population and continued by discussing the potential impact of Colorado's aging population on state revenues and the state budget.

01:55 PM

Mr. Semro emphasized the impact of the aging population on the state's budget, and the need to plan for and address the impact of aging Coloradans. He responded to questions from the committee regarding demographics of residents of nursing homes, nursing home lengths-of-stay, and the impact of the aging population on the state's budget.

02:09 PM

Jayla Sanchez-Warren, Director of the Area of Aging for the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG), distributed two handouts to the committee (Attachments D and E). She described the services provided by area agencies on aging (AAAs). She noted most DRCOG clients are not on Medicaid, and AAAs provide transportation, nutrition, personal care, respite, legal, in-home, and health promotion services. She noted that many of the services provided in the Denver area have waiting lists. Ms. Sanchez-Warren described the nursing home ombudsman program. She further described the services provided by AAAs that allow people to stay in their homes and reduce health care costs. Ms. Sanchez-Warren further discussed the Boomer Bond program, which is a program to facilitate local dialogue and planning to address the aging population.

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02:21 PM

Ms. Sanchez-Warren discussed the increasing rents in the Denver area and how that is affecting older adults. She responded to questions from the committee regarding impediments to increasing the number of low-cost housing units in the region, culturally competent care, and the services provided by the AAAs.