Date: 09/24/2015

Briefing on the Tracks Across Borders Byway


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06:50 PM -- Briefing on the Tracks Across Borders Byway

Muriel Eason, Commissioner, Tracks Across Borders Byway (TABB) Commission, presented to the committee. Ms. Eason distributed a handout to the committee (Attachment C), and explained that the byway is the first to be approved in Colorado in 10 years. She discussed the theme of the byway, which is the history of the Rio Grande Railroad, and the importance of the railroad. Ms. Eason explained the geographical route and topography of the byway, how the byway was approved in May 2015 by the New Mexico DOT, and how the commission is exploring various funding opportunities to assist in the build out of the road. She responded to questions from the committee on what constitutes a byway, how byways are signposted, and whether a route for the scenic byway can be input into smart phone navigational applications.
