Date: 04/01/2015

Continuation of the Presentation by the Office of the State Auditor


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07:40 AM -- Continuation of the Presentation by the Office of the State Auditor

Jenny Page, Office of the State Auditor, continued her presentation that was begun on March 18, 2015, of the Colorado Health Insurance Benefits Exchange: Connect for Health Colorado Limited Performance Report(Attachment B). A memorandum in response to the questions asked at the March 18, 2015, of the Office of the State Auditor (Attachment C) and a list of the organizations that received federal or private grant funds to provide consumer assistance (Attachment D) were distributed to the committee members. Ms. Page outlined the last finding concerning financial administration and management in the audit, which starts on page 78 of the audit report. She highlighted the problems identified starting on page 83 and 84 of the audit report. She discussed the meals purchased for Connect for Health Colorado staff that were prohibited by federal rules. Ms. Page discussed the lack of centralized purchasing for supplies and equipment. Ms. Page reviewed recommendation 4 on Page 90 of the audit concerning improvements to fiscal management and stated that Connect for Health Colorado agreed to implement this recommendation.

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07:45 AM

Ms. Page stated that a status update from entities that have been audited usually occurs about six months after the audit. She said the committee will be notified once that status update is scheduled. Senator Roberts discussed having a joint meeting with the Legislative Audit Committee during the interim to receive an update from Connect for Health Colorado about its response to the audit findings.