Date: 12/16/2014

Presentation by the Department of Labor and Employment


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09:33 AM -- Presentation by the Department of Labor and Employment

Ellen Golombeck, Executive Director, Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), introduced her team and provided a handout to the committee (Attachment B). Ms. Golombeck talked about the role of the department in connecting businesses with job seekers, assisting the unemployed and those injured on the job, ensuring fair labor practices, and ensuring workplace safety. She discussed the department's current strategic initiatives that include employee engagement and accountability and increasing customer satisfaction and improving customer service through strengthening relationships with stakeholders and improving work processes.

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09:49 AM

Ms. Golombeck discussed the initiatives and accomplishments of each division within the department based on specific performance measures. The Division of Employment and Training, for example, is working to increase the percentage of people working after they receive workforce services from the division. The division saw a 19% increase in the number of businesses served through Colorado Workforce Centers and trained 849 workers in FY 2013-14 with employer matching funds through an H1B Grant.

09:54 AM

The Division of Unemployment Insurance reduced the improper payment rate to 8.12%, reduced call center wait times, and provided electronic forms and online services to workers. Ms. Golombeck discussed improper unemployment payments and measures that the division has implemented to reduce such payments in the future. The division can now take a credit card payment over the phone and develop a payment plan over the phone that has resulted in significant repayment.

09:58 AM

Ms. Golombeck discussed the department's legislative agenda for the upcoming session. The Division of Oil and Public Safety is looking to provide financial incentives for increased petroleum storage tank spill prevention and early detection measures. The Division of Employment and Training is hoping to implement the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to include authority for fee for service for requested additional employer services (particularly targeting to rural areas).

10:06 AM

Ms. Golombeck responded to questions from the committee regarding long term unemployment and discussed efforts that the department has made in assisting disabled workers in finding jobs as well as working with employers to educate them about employing workers with disabilities. She discussed federal requirements to reach the long term unemployed and work to decrease that population. She talked about efforts to increase the availability of skilled workers as well as making people aware of what types of work is available to them.

10:17 AM

Senator Newell asked for an update on activities associated with the "talent pipeline," coordinating work between higher education, OEDIT, and CDLE to identify the employment needs of the state. The report of this group is in process and should be available in January. Ms. Golombeck also responded to questions about recruiting efforts by both the state and private industry. Senator Schwartz asked about particular problems for Delta county recovering from a loss of the primary industry in the area.

10:32 AM

Senator-elect Neville asked about possible rule-making that would clarify the definition of employee versus an independent contractor. Ms. Golombeck explained the need to clarify this difference to employers. The department has received complaints from both employers and employees. In some situations, employees may have been unaware that they are classified as an independent contractor until they seek unemployment insurance.

10:41 AM

Mahesh Albuquerque, Director, Division of Oil and Public Safety, came to the table to respond to questions about increasing regulation of trampolines, trampoline parks, and bouncy castles. The division is currently unable to regulate companies that provide bouncy castles and legislation would be required to change that. He also responded to questions regarding regulatory issues related to petroleum spills.