Date: 11/30/2015

2.c. Unif. Recog. of Substitute Decision-Making Documents Act, LLS 16-0128


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

01:46 PM -- 2.c. Uniform Recognition of Substitute Decision-Making Documents Act, LLS 16-0128

01:47 PM --
Catherine Hance, CBA Real Estate Section,expressed concerns that a couple of definitions could potentially cause confusion and recommended refining some of the definitions and made some suggested language changes.
01:54 PM -- Stanley Kent, former CCUSL Commissioner and testifying for himself,pointed out that the act makes the recognition of health care documents easier but may send parties to go to court to arrange payments for services. Mr. Kent urged that this ambiguity in the act be addressed, perhaps in the definitions.
Jeremy Schupbach, CBA Director of Legislative Relations,added that they have not heard back from the bar’s health law section and that the trusts & estates section suggests that, instead of passing the act, Colorado amend existing law to include “or nation”.
The commission suggested that perhaps some of these issues could be addressed within the decision-making document. The commission also suggested the bill’s title be changed to reflect that it is only a portion of the ULC act.