Date: 09/10/2015

Presentation by the Colorado Regional Health Information Organization


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09:13 AM

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present.

09:14 AM -- Presentation by the Colorado Regional Health Information Organization

Morgan Honea, Chief Executive Officer of the Colorado Regional Health Information Organization (CORHIO), came to the table to present to the committee. Mr. Honea distributed CORHIO program literature to the committee (Attachment A). Mr. Honea discussed how CORHIO is a non-profit organization that supports health information exchange across various types of health facilities in the state. He spoke to the need for communication between health information systems, how health information exchanges (HIE) connect these systems, and the benefits gained from HIEs.

150910 AttachA.pdf150910 AttachA.pdf

Mr. Honea discussed the high participation rate of long-term, post-acute care facilities in CORHIO. He discussed the information that is collected and exchanged through CORHIO, such as that from hospitals, public health departments, laboratories, and radiology centers. He responded to questions on recent statutory changes to the number of employees at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and how this relates to the work of CORHIO, recent challenges in collecting data on immunization programs in schools, how the state verifies that children's medical information it collects is accurate, if CORHIO corrects discrepancies in patient information, and if public schools are members of CORHIO.

09:31 AM

Mr. Honea talked about the effectiveness of HIEs across the United States, and how Colorado's HIE is near the top of the list. He responded to questions on the availability and consolidation of information in Colorado's HIE, the function of CORHIO in the information collection process, how primary care providers (PCP) receive information on the healthcare that a patient has received in other settings, how patients can ensure that their PCPs get access to their complete healthcare history information, what the quality health network (QHN) is, and if other states exchange information with CORHIO for medical treatment given to Colorado residents in their state.

09:44 AM

Mr. Honea responded to questions from the committee on whether CORHIO has had any data leaks, how it maintains a high level of data security, what happens when an insurance company requests patient records that it should not have access to, who gets information on HIE data breaches at CORHIO, and what actions are taken for improper accessing of patient medical information.

09:59 AM

Mr. Honea discussed the funding of HIEs in Colorado and other states. He responded to questions on provider participation in CORHIO, whether providers can be required or incentivized to join the network, the cost to a provider for joining CORHIO, and if anyone is tracking the costs of healthcare in Colorado versus other states.