Date: 07/20/2015

Overview of the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan


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02:09 PM -- Overview of the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan

James Eklund, Director, Colorado Water Conservation Board, provided an overview of the second draft of the Colorado Water Plan and distributed a handout that describes the development of the Colorado Water Plan (Attachment A). He explained that in 2013, Governor Hickenlooper issued an executive order directing the CWCB to commence work on the Colorado Water Plan. According to the Governor's executive order, the Colorado Water Plan must promote a productive economy that supports vibrant and sustainable cities, viable and productive agriculture, and a robust skiing, recreation, and tourism industry. It must also incorporate an efficient and effective water infrastructure promoting smart land use and a strong environment that includes healthy watersheds, rivers and streams, and wildlife. The CWCB was instructed to provide a draft plan for review by the Governor's Office by December 10, 2014, and to complete the final plan by December 10, 2015. In response to that order, the CWCB issued the first draft of the CWP on November 19 2014, and a second draft on July 7, 2015. The deadline for the public to provide comments on the second draft of the CWP is September 19, 2015.

Attachment A.pdfAttachment A.pdf

02:20 PM

Mr. Eklund discussed the contents of basin implementation plans and explained how the plans will be integrated with the CWP. He also explained how the plan addresses municipal water conservation and efficiency, water reuse, and the integration of land use and water resources planning.

02:30 PM

Mr. Eklund explained how agricultural water rights have been transferred to municipalities and discussed how the CWP examines the impact of these transfers and identifies alternatives to such transfers. He also explained how the plan address groundwater sustainability and identifies measure to streamline the permitting process for water projects. He also discussed funding that may be available for for water projects.

02:38 PM

Mr. Eklund responded to questions from the committee about the second draft of the CWP including provisions of chapter 10 of the CWP concerning critical action plans. He explained the role of the Governor's Office in the implementation of the CWP and discussed the need and timing for legislation to implement the plan. He also responded to questions about the potential to restore moneys transferred from the severance tax trust fund to the General Fund during recent budget shortfalls.