Date: 12/16/2015

Colorado Department of Transportation FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentatio


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12:32 PM -- Colorado Department of Transportation FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation

Ms. Jessika Shipley, came to the table to note that the original request for this project was submitted to the Capital Development Committee, but that it was determined that this request is more suited for the JTC. She distributed the departmental funding request to committee members (Attachment B).

151216 AttachB.pdf151216 AttachB.pdf

Mr. Josh Laipply, Chief Engineer for the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), came to the table to discuss CDOT's fiber optic infrastructure request. He noted the specific benefits of the project, including better connectivity with New Mexico and local communities. In response to committee questions, Mr. Laipply discussed fiber optic projects on Interstate 25 and Interstate 70 and the benefits of those projects to other state entities. He also discussed the use of federal funds for this project. In addition, CDOT seeks public private partnerships and leasing opportunities for its fiber optic projects.

Mr. Andy Karsian, CDOT Legislative Liaison, came to the table to address committee questions. He noted that by focusing on the area in the request, CDOT plans to achieve better coordination with New Mexico and local community groups, such as hospitals and first responders.

1:00 PM

The committee recessed.