Date: 09/14/2015

South Platte Basin Roundtable Basin Implementation Plan


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06:35 PM -- South Platte Basin Roundtable Basin Implementation Plan

Joe Frank, Chair, South Platte Basin Roundtable (SPBRT) presented the South Platte Basin Implementation Plan (BIP). He explained that SPBRT worked with the Metro Roundtable to develop a BIP for the whole basin. He provided a summary (Attachment A) that they are using to educate the public and said that they are creating other fact sheets. He noted that the next phase of their BIP is quantifying conservation and reuse of water and how it addresses the gap. He said that they are looking at regional partnerships.

Attachment A.pdfAttachment A.pdf

Mr. Frank walked the committee through the handout and addressed challenges, issues, themes, shortages, water projects, the municipal and industrial gap, and agricultural shortages. He explained portfolio options that involve agricultural "buy and dry", conservation, identified projects and processes (IPPs) and new Colorado River Basin supplies.

Representative Coram asked about the "buy and dry" option. Mr. Frank explained that it is just an option they are considering. Representative Coram asked about capturing the water that goes to Nebraska. Mr. Frank addressed building storage.

6:51 PM

Representative Mitsch Bush noted that its the statewide economy not east and west slope water. She asked about Figure S3 in the BIP. Mr. Frank explained that they are talking about a large amount of water and they don't take it lightly.

Representative Brown noted there is support on the western slope for a storage project on the South Platte and would like to see it moved up in the priority in the BIP.