

Time:01:34 PM to 04:17 PM
Martinez Humenik
Place:HCR 0112
This Meeting was called to order by
Senator Neville T.
Neville T.
This Report was prepared by
Matt Kiszka
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
EHR Overview
Consideration of Electronic Health Record and Pharmacy System Replacement F
Consideration of Child Welfare Case Management System Replacement FY 2015-1
Consideration of Data Integration and Analysis Systems, Division of Communi
Consideration of Enterprise Content Management FY 2015-16 IT Budget Request
Consideration of IT Systems Interoperability FY 2015-16 IT Budget Request
Consideration of Child Care Automated Tracking System Enhancement FY 2015-1
Other Committee Business
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Approve LLS 15-0795 and 15-0796 as Committee Bills

01:34 PM -- Electronic Health Record Overview

Senator Neville, Chair, called the committee to order. A quorum was present. A summary of six FY 2015-16 Department of Human Services (DHS) information technology (IT) budget requests, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (LCS), were distributed to the committee members (Attachment A).

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Kate Kiefert, State Health Information Technology (HIT) Coordinator, Office of the Governor, came to the table to explain electronic health record (EHR) systems used throughout executive branch agencies. Ms. Kiefert distributed a copy of her presentation to the committee (Attachment B). Ms. Kiefert explained why there are multiple EHR systems used throughout the state, rather than one enterprise system, and the policies surrounding health and health information technology (HIT) in the state. She explained the difference between an electronic medical record (EMR), EHR, and a health information exchange (HIE). Ms. Kiefert then discussed EHR benefits and functions for departments and agencies, and the privacy and security requirements of EHRs. Ms. Kiefert responded to questions on how patients can safeguard the protection of their information under health record information systems, the specific differences between an EMR and an EHR, communication of opt-out opportunities by doctors for patients who want to protect their medical records and keep them from being electronically stored, and the effect of House Bill 13-1323 on the privacy of personal medical records. Committee discussion ensued.

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01:54 PM

Ms. Kiefert responded to questions on the accessibility of patient medical records across state agencies. She then discussed EHR systems implemented or needed in the state, such as those for the Department of Corrections (DOC) and the DOC's Division of Youth Corrections, and the strategy options considered by these departments when looking to implement an EHR. Ms. Kiefert said that single EHR solutions are not able to meet the numerous customization needs of different departments, and told the committee that the Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT) had been involved in the alignment of department strategies for EHR implementation. She responded to questions from the committee on HIT adoption by physicians in Colorado.

02:12 PM -- Consideration of Electronic Health Record and Pharmacy System Replacement FY 2015-16 Budget Request

Nikki Hatch, Deputy Executive Director of Operations, DHS, came to the table to present to the committee on the department's EHR and Pharmacy System Replacement FY 2015-16 budget request. She distributed a copy of her presentation to the committee (Attachment C). Ms. Hatch discussed the department's goals and considerations when making IT requests and provided a overview of DHS structure, existing technology systems, and its 2014-15 departmental goals.

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02:19 PM

Ms. Hatch explained that DHS is requesting state funds for Phase II of the implementation of an EHR at the state-operated, acute care, inpatient Mental Health Institutes at Pueblo and Fort Logan. Phase I of the project was previously funded in FY 2014-15. She provided an overview of the project and responded to questions on why the project was phased over two fiscal years.

02:24 PM -- Consideration of Child Welfare Case Management System Replacement FY 2015-16

Ms. Hatch explained that DHS is requesting a combination of state funds and federal funds spending authority to enhance and modernize the Trails case management system, which is the state's Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System, and associated infrastructure. The project will modernize Trails to allow for faster implementation of system modifications and to accommodate changing child welfare practices. She said that the modification requirements of the 13-year old system are significant enough that the department is now requesting a system replacement. Ms. Hatch summarized the issues and challenges that case workers experience with the Trails system and the solutions that modernization of the system would provide. She responded to questions on safeguards that will be built into the new system for information entered by case workers, ownership of data entry, program functionality that will identify missing case information and ensure quality control, and whether DHS is engaging stakeholders and performing lean events in its planning for the new system. The committee requested that DHS provide a quantification of cost savings or efficiencies gained by implementing the new system.

02:43 PM -- Consideration of Data Integration and Analysis Systems, Division of Community and Family Support FY 2015-16 Budget Request

Ms. Hatch explained that DHS is requesting a combination of state funds and federal funds spending authority to develop data systems for the Division of Community and Family Support (DCFS). She said the project will allow for the effective tracking of data at the child level and will integrate data across all Office of Early Childhood (OEC) programs. The project will provide an integrated system for seven programs within OEC, replace some existing systems, and complement the Trails system and the Child Care Automated Tracking System (CHATS). The project will also build upon the Early Intervention Database that is currently under construction and integrate the Trails and CHATS systems, while eliminating the use of excel spreadsheets and access databases. She said that the system integration project will allow DHS data to be more easily accessed and analyzed while reducing the redundancy and time lost collecting the data from existing diverse systems. The new system would allow the data to be tracked at the child level rather than in an aggregated form, as is the current systems methodology. Ms. Hatch told the committee that the project will allow DHS to more effectively identify positive outcomes for children, perform analyses with more reliable data, and measure progress on desired outcomes. She responded to questions on how the system will be structured.

02:49 PM

Herb Wilson, Director of Business Technology, DHS, described how the new data integration and analysis system will be built and structured. Ms. Hatch and Mr. Wilson responded to questions on funding sources for the project and which existing systems will be replaced.

02:52 PM -- Consideration of Enterprise Content Management FY 2015-16 IT Budget Request

Ms. Hatch explained that DHS is requesting funding to implement an enterprise strategy for managing electronic documents across the department. The project will expand licensing for an enterprise content management system already in use in the state and supported by OIT. She said that leveraging this software will allow it to efficiently manage electronic documents and files and formally capture business rules and processes that are currently undocumented and ad hoc. She noted that there are 40 document clearance processes that could be automated by an enterprise content management solution, which would create an electronic file library. Mr. Wilson and Ms. Hatch responded to questions on the specific system that is being proposed for leverage by the department and the department's consideration process for this specific IT solution.

02:57 PM -- Consideration of IT Systems Interoperability FY 2015-16 IT Budget Request

Ms. Hatch explained that DHS is requesting a combination of state funds and federal funds spending authority for FY 2015-16 to create a new system that will standardize all existing IT systems under an interoperability environment project, while leaving its core systems in place. She said that the project aims to create a platform that will enable departmental systems to talk to each other, which will allow for transparency and improved accountability. Ms. Hatch noted that critical aspects of this project relate to data governance and privacy, security, identity management, identity resolution, and data analysis. The committee discussed the merits of the new system.

03:13 PM -- Consideration of Child Care Automated Tracking System Enhancement FY 2015-16

Ms. Hatch explained that DHS is requesting federal funds spending authority to enhance and replace major components of the Child Care Automated Tracking System (CHATS) in the OEC. She said that this project is planned for a five-year deployment using a hybrid approach that retains and enhances certain CHATS functionality and allows for replacement of selected functionality with new or current state-leveraged systems. The new system will leverage existing technologies, enhance functionality while utilizing new technology, and make needed updates to both hardware and software. Ms. Hatch explained that DHS was able to identify CHATS needs through funding provided by the General Assembly. She stated that an important aspect of the project is a strategic planning effort to align technology solutions with business needs. Ms. Hatch and Mr. Wilson responded to questions on system tracking requirements for the ongoing eligibility of families receiving program support.

03:26 PM -- Other Committee Business

Gary Lucas, Legislative Council Staff, came to the table to present to the committee on the six DHS 2015-16 IT budget requests. Mr. Lucas highlighted the fact that OIT was heavily involved in the governance of the projects, that the departmental budget submissions were well-written and contained a lot of information, and that there was consistency throughout the project planning process. He responded to questions from the committee on the ongoing need for departments to include detail on cost savings in their project request narratives. The committee discussed the potential inclusion within narratives of a quantification of efficiencies to be gained by a project and future benefits to be gained from state investment in new IT systems for departments.

03:39 PM

Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, came to the table to discuss whether departments provide cost-benefit analyses of new capital projects that are considered by the Capital Development Committee. Ms. Donaldson discussed the need for state agencies to justify the cost savings and benefits of a new IT project.

Mr. Lucas discussed the inclusion of quantifications in DHS' Enterprise Content Management and Interoperability request documents. Committee discussion ensued.

Nicole Myers, Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS), and Jessika Shipley, Legislative Council Staff, came to the table and discussed potential Joint Budget Committee (JBC) legislation that OLLS is drafting to address the fact that IT requests need to include key performance indicators and savings or efficiencies. Committee discussion ensued. Ms. Shipley told the committee that the JBC has requested a meeting with the JTC on ongoing issues related to state IT projects.

03:50 PM

Ms. Myers discussed bill draft LLS No. 15-0795 (Attachment D), which addresses the statutory definition of "enterprise agreement" and "enterprise facility" for the purposes of OIT. Ms. Myers then discussed JTC member sponsorship of committee bills. Committee discussion ensued.

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BILL:LLS number 15-0795
TIME: 03:55:19 PM
MOTION:Introduce LLS number 15-0795 as a Joint Technology Committee Bill. The motion passed on a vote of 5-0, with 1 member excused.
Martinez Humenik
Neville T.

03:58 PM

Ms. Myers discussed LLS No. 15-0796, which addresses numerous provisions for board membership of the Statewide Internet Portal Authority (SIPA) and the reporting requirements of SIPA (Attachment E).

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BILL: LLS number 15-0796
TIME: 04:01:17 PM
MOTION:Introduce LLS number 15-0796 as a Joint Technology Committee Bill. The motion passed on a vote of 5-0, with 1 member excused.
Martinez Humenik
Neville T.

04:02 PM

Sponsorship of the bills was discussed and determined. Ms. Donaldson came to the table and discussed the budget request prioritization process of the CDC as a point of reference for the committee in its prioritization and recommendation of FY 2015-16 IT budget requests. She responded to questions on whether the JBC determines how much funding is available for capital construction and IT capital requests. Ms. Shipley explained what materials would be provided by staff to assist the committee in its prioritization considerations. The committee discussed how it will consider project prioritization.

04:17 PM

The committee adjourned.