Date: 12/15/2015

Capitol Complex


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

09:48 AM -- Capitol Complex

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, presented two projects that address capital need in the Capitol Complex: (1) State Capitol Building House and Senate Chamber Renovations; and (2) Replace/Restore Roof, State Capitol Building. Ms. Donaldson firrst provided an overview of the Chamber Restoration project. Ms. Donaldson responded to questions regarding the reasons for extending the Chamber Restoration project an additional phase. Ms. Donaldson provided an overview of the roof project. Ms. Donaldson responded to questions regarding whether the roof project will retain solar panels on the Capitol, and the priorities assigned to the two projects. Ms. Donaldson explained why the contingency for one of the projects is abnormally high.