Date: 10/29/2015

Mine Reclamation and Water Protection


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

01:47 PM -- Mine Reclamation and Water Protection

Stuart Sanderson, President, Colorado Mining Association, discussed the history of the association and identified current mining activities in Colorado . He also identified uses for minerals that are mined in Colorado and discussed measures to protect the environment from mining activities. He also compared modern mining practices with historic mining practices. He summarized the provisions of state and federal mine regulations includes requirements related to the reclamation of mines. He also identified voluntary mine reclamation activities to protect the environment and discussed the recent Gold King mine spill in the Animas River Basin. He identified the cause of the spill and discussed the risk of securing and remediating abandoned mines.

02:04 PM

Mr. Sanderson responded to questions from the committee regarding the Gold King Mine spill. He also identified an inaccuracy in his presentation concerning the cause of the spill and announced that he would submit a corrected presentation to committee staff (Attachment G). The corrected presentation is also posted on the committee's website.

Attachment G.pdfAttachment G.pdf