

Time:09:02 AM to 11:55 AM
Martinez Humenik
Place:HCR 0112
This Meeting was called to order by
Senator Neville T.
Neville T.
This Report was prepared by
Jessika Shipley
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
IT Project Dashboards
Current IT System Status/5-year Life Cycle Planning
Project Stage Gating Presentation
“DRIVES” Project Review
“Wait Less” Project Comebacks (DMV Kiosks)
SIPA Project Review
New Business
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Committee Discussion Only

09:02 AM -- IT Project Dashboards

Senator Neville explained the reasons the committee will be hearing project dashboards each month. Gary Lucas, representing Legislative Council Staff (LCS), discussed the new format of Joint Technology Committee (JTC) meetings, which will be more like a business meeting going forward. William Chumley, Chief Customer Officer, Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT), updated the committee about FY 2015-16 operating budget change requests. He referred to his Power Point slides (Attachment A) throughout his presentation. The committee discussed the best format for project dashboard presentations. Mr. Chumley responded to questions from the committee about the funded amount for each of the change requests. The committee discussed the timeline for IT project development and the use of requests for information (RFIs).

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09:16 AM

Mr. Chumley continued to discuss the progress of FY 2015-16 operating budget change requests. The committee discussed the job description for OIT's Chief Data Officer. Michael Brown, Deputy Chief Technology Officer, OIT, responded to questions about the job description. Mr. Chumley moved to one-page dashboards for each IT capital project that has been funded since FY 2013-14. Mr. Lucas explained the schedule variances for IT projects and the factors that could drive a supplemental budget request. Senator Newell asked for more information to be included with the dashboards about the specific milestone each project is on. Representative Tate asked for cost and schedule variance to be included numerically, rather than just as a red, yellow, or green dot. The committee discussed providing a key explaining variance tolerance levels.

09:27 AM

Senator Newell asked how the committee can help move a project from red to yellow or yellow to green. Mr. Chumley explained what risk mitigation is required to bring projects back on schedule. Senator Neville asked for more information about the schedule variance for the Colorado Operational Resource Engine (CORE) project. Mr. Chumley discussed the factors that caused a delay in the schedule and explained that some processes have been changed to bring the project back on schedule. Senator Newell spoke about questions she has received regarding reimbursement related to child care costs. She asked for information about the request for proposal (RFP) process. Mr. Chumley discussed the progress of the Department of Human Services electronic health record (EHR) system project, which is being coordinated with other EHR systems across the state.

09:38 AM -- Current IT System Status/5-year Life-Cycle Planning

Mr. Brown discussed a spreadsheet (Attachment B) that contains all of the current state IT systems and projects and where they are in their life cycles. He explained OIT's application roadmap, which is completed for every state IT project and system. He spoke about the asset management system tools OIT utilizes now and what they will be using in the future. The committee discussed the data provided in Attachment B. Mr. Brown talked about the lean events OIT has done in the past few years, and how those events have led to retirement of various systems. In response to committee questions, he spoke to the life cycle of the Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS) and ongoing development for CBMS.

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09:52 AM

Senator Newell requested more information about applications in the critical and essential priority categories. Mr. Brown discussed how OIT works with the departments to prioritize and define their business needs. He spoke about the classification of the primary service categories OIT uses. Mr. Lucas commented about the importance of life-cycle tracking for the purposes of future budgeting and planning. Senator Neville talked about how the committee would like to see a complete picture of current and future IT needs for the state in order to make better informed decisions and recommendations. Mr. Brown indicated that the end result of OIT's data gathering efforts will be a true operational plan to guide OIT and the committee.

09:58 AM -- Project Stage Gating Presentation

Mr. Chumley returned to Attachment A to brief the committee about the IT project gating process. He used the CLEAR Project in the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) as an example of how a project works through the process. CLEAR is CDLE's unemployment insurance accounting system supporting business operations. He talked about what is involved with the reviews at each gate. The committee discussed the process and how cost benefit analyses and return on investment calculations are included. Discussion continued about the difference between the ideas of "financially critical" and "critical" with regard to public safety.

10:13 AM

Mr. Chumley continued his presentation with a discussion of how the gating process and the budget process are connected. He moved on to talk about OIT's Project Management Office and how it has made strides to consolidate government functions and has realized redundancy savings as a result. The committee discussed the need for universal access to government functions, perhaps through the use of mobile applications. Mr. Chumley commented that OIT is striving to build systems that secure the data without worrying so much about how that data will be accessed.

10:27 AM

Representative Tyler asked for more information about the gating of the Department of Revenue's (DOR) DRIVES project.

10:30 AM -- “DRIVES” Project Review

Mike Dixon, Senior Director, Division of Motor Vehicle (DMV) in DOR, joined the committee to provide an update on the DRIVES project (Attachment C). He provided a project overview, project solutions that were considered, a procurement timeline, a project timeline, and a list of project leaders. DOR and OIT are the joint project sponsors and project managers. He spoke about office space and the preliminary project budget. He responded to questions from the committee about a vendor protest that occurred during the RFP process.

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10:43 AM

Mr. Dixon continued discussing the preliminary project budget and provided more information about the timeline. He responded to questions from the committee about whether DRIVES will replace the current driver's license system or run concurrently with the existing system. He talked about training efforts for county DMV staff and about the change management plan. He indicated that the division is exploring the idea of acquiring a learning management system. Representative Tate asked whether the vendor will be awarded a fixed-price or a cost-plus contract. He also asked about the staffing backfill that will be required.

10:49 AM -- “Wait Less” Project Comebacks (DMV Kiosks)

Mr. Dixon continued his presentation with a discussion of the Colorado Wait Less Expansion project. He referred to his Power Point slides (Attachment D). His update included a background of the project, a snapshot of the current situation, and a list of the 15 DMV offices that are currently using the Wait Less system. He provided a detailed explanation of Qflow, which is the queuing system used in many DMV offices.

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11:01 AM

He discussed the timeline for the expansion. He responded to questions that were asked at prior JTC meetings with regard to vendor responses to the Wait Less project RFP, a plan for displaced equipment, online driver services, county queuing system experience, and data from DMV offices. Discussion ensued about online driver services.

11:14 AM

Representative Singer asked about phone wait times and the technology that manages those queues. He also wanted to know if there has been any attempt to quantify the county customer experience in order to establish a preferred method. Mr. Dixon spoke about leveraging economies of scale with regard to software and hardware utilized by the state and counties. Representative Singer asked why people are not choosing the online renewal option for driver's licenses as often as possible. The committee discussed the reasons why successful existing systems are not simply being expanded rather than creating whole new systems.

11:26 AM

Discussion turned to customer education and training about the new system.

11:29 AM -- SIPA Project Review

Jack Arrowsmith, Executive Director, Statewide Internet Portal Authority (SIPA), came to the table to provide a SIPA project review (Attachment E). He discussed websites currently in development. These are projects with SIPA's partner, Colorado Interactive. He spoke about payment processing and payment integration services, along with custom application development and enhancements. He indicated that Colorado is trying to improve its transparency portal to include some best practices in other states. He discussed the movement to a new data center, which he believes will assist SIPA and Colorado Interactive in providing faster and better services.

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11:38 AM

Mr. Arrowsmith talked about the movement to cloud-based technology and how that presents an opportunity for monetary savings. He responded to questions from the committee about how local government entities learn about SIPA and the services it provides.

11:45 AM -- New Business

Mr. Lucas spoke about his idea for establishing a working group facilitated by LCS to create a new IT procurement process. The proposed process would be separate from the regular state procurement process in order to handle the unique nature of IT. He discussed the stakeholders that would be involved, including OIT, OSPB, DPA, and staff from the JTC, Joint Budget Committee, and the Office of Legislative Legal Services. The committee provided permission to go forward with the process.

11:55 AM

The committee adjourned.