

Time:09:10 AM to 10:47 AM
Martinez Humenik
Place:HCR 0112
This Meeting was called to order by
Senator Neville T.
Neville T.
This Report was prepared by
Matt Becker
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Big Data and Government Efficiency
OIT Project Dashboards
New Business and Calendar Updates
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

09:10 AM -- Big Data and Government Efficiency

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Mr. Tom Ohmer, Senior Account Executive, and Ms. Michele Hovet, Industry Advisor on State and Local Government, both representing SAP Public Services, Inc., came to the table to present on "Big Data and Government Efficiency." Committee members received a copy of the presentation (Attachment A) and a handout outlining a case study on the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) (Attachment B). Ms. Hovet described the term "big data" and how it relates to better decision-making, optimized citizen services, and lower fraud and waste with regards to information technology (IT). Discussion ensued on how big data is used by large governmental organizations.

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09:18 AM

In response to a committee question regarding CDOT's use of SAP software, Ms. Hovet discussed how CDOT has become more efficient in its use of data through its Business Transformation Study. Discussion ensued on CDOT's data analysis procedures. Ms. Hovel discussed the evolutionary stages of using data. The stages include reporting/monitoring, inquiring/exploring, and predicting/prescribing.

09:28 AM

Discussion ensued on a case study about how big data could be used to gain insight on recent outcomes regarding policy changes on marijuana, including economics, health implications, and crime. Ms. Hovet discussed how data has been used successfully by the state of Indiana, for example to quantify the statistical risk of low birth weight. In response to a committee question regarding the integration of data analytics and policy changes, Ms. Hovet gave several examples of how data has been used to efficiently reallocate government resources.

09:39 AM

Ms. Hovel showed a video that highlights examples of how data has been effectively used by the state of Indiana ( She discussed how Indiana utilized SAP to become a data-driven state, including creating a partnership, assisting with governance and security, and providing business analytics and predictive systems. In response to a committee question regarding "design thinking" resources, Ms. Hovet discussed the methodology behind creative processes used for more effective data analytics.

09:47 AM

Ms. Hovet discussed how value is created from being data-driven, including creating better tools for employees, providing more information for citizens, making cross-agency discoveries, providing preemptive solutions, using resources wisely, and identifying previously hidden patterns. In response to a committee question regarding having a single location or database for all data used by the state, Ms. Hovet discussed opportunities for state-wide data warehousing. Further discussion ensued on data analytics and outcomes and how to ensure that the quality of data analysis remains high.

09:59 AM

In response to a committee question on lessons that can be learned from Indiana's experience with big data, Ms. Hovet described how a shared-service model and a partnership with the Statewide Internet Portal Authority could possibly benefit big data in Colorado. Discussion ensued on fears related to the over-sharing and appropriate use of data.

10:10 AM -- OIT Project Dashboards

Ms. Suma Nallapati, Secretary of Technology and Chief Technology Officer, Mr. William Chumley, Chief Customer Officer, and Ms. Michelle Gore, Chief Data Officer, all representing the Office of Information Technology (OIT), came to the table to give an update on OIT's involvement with data used by state government agencies. Discussion ensued on the types of data used by various state agencies and data surrounding recent marijuana policy changes.

10:21 AM

Ms. Gore discussed ideas she has for improving data processes and data sharing in the state. In response to a committee question regarding the Technology Accessibility Architect position, Ms. Nallapati stated that OIT is actively pursuing filling the role of the position. Ms. Tauna Lockhart, Chief Communications Officer, OIT, came to the table to discuss the interim process for filling the position.

10:28 AM

Mr. Chumley and Mr. Gary Lucas, Legislative Council Staff, discussed updates to the 2015 and 2016 state IT projects. Committee members received updated dashboard worksheets for each project (Attachment C). Mr. Chumley explained reasons why certain projects may have items for committee review in the "Issues and Concerns" section of the dashboard worksheet.

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10:41 AM

Mr. Lucas updated the committee on the working group being formed to discuss the state's procurement process for IT projects.

10:43 AM -- New Business and Calendar Updates

Ms. Jessika Shipley, Legislative Council Staff, discussed upcoming committee business, including committee meetings and possible site visits.

10:47 AM

The committee adjourned.