Date: 12/30/2014

Committee Duties and Responsibilities


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11:42 AM -- Committee Duties and Responsibilities

Ms. Jessika Shipley, LCS, discussed the duties and responsibilities of the JTC. Committee members received a memorandum prepared by Ms. Shipley (Attachment F). Discussion ensued regarding the charge of the JTC. Ms. Shipley discussed the committee's role in approving IT budget requests and its interaction with the Capital Development Committee (CDC) and the Joint Budget Committee (JBC). She also discussed OSPB's budget request process. The IT budget requests submitted to OSPB for FY 2015-16 will be summarized by LCS using a standard template. She also discussed the JTC's ability to propose legislation. Ms. Shipley explained the budget request process and deadlines to the JBC. She also discussed the upcoming FY 2015-16 budget requests and appointments to other boards that are required by statute.

141230 AttachF.pdf141230 AttachF.pdf

11:55 AM

The committee discussed potential meeting dates for the 2015 session. The next JTC meeting will be on January 9 at 1:30 p.m.

12:03 PM

The committee adjourned.