Date: 04/17/2015



Votes: View--> Action Taken:

02:36 PM -- SB15-173

Representative Buckner explained that Senate Bill 15-173's sponsor was not present, and that the committee would hear witness testimony but lay the bill over for action only to Monday, April 20. The bill concerns the privacy protections placed on student data. The following people testified:

02:39 PM --
Virge Owens, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill. He spoke about his personal experiences as a data architect and discussed protecting personally identifiable student data. Mr. Owens responded to questions from the committee.

02:56 PM --
Rachel Stickland, representing Parents Coalition for Student Data Privacy, spoke in support of the bill. She distributed a handout to the committee (Attachment E). She described her personal experiences and the dangers to children of allowing unfettered data collection.


03:02 PM --
Paul Noonan, representing Parents Coalition for Student Data Privacy, spoke in support of the bill. She distributed a handout packet to the committee (Attachment F). She described her experiences in Jefferson County and with in Bloom.


03:08 PM

The preceding two witnesses responded to questions from the committee.

03:20 PM --
Cheri Kiesecker, representing Parents Coalition for Student Data Privacy, spoke in support of the bill. She distributed a handout to the committee (Attachment G). Ms. Kiesecker responded to questions from the committee.


03:29 PM --
Jen Raiffie, representing the Mapleton School Board, spoke in support of the bill. She described her district and spoke about Connections Academy, which operates in her district and is owned by Pearson.

03:37 PM --
Bethany Drosendahl, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill. She described her experiences on the task force created by House Bill 14-1202. She spoke about Radio Shack's data sale and the sale of student records as part of a bankruptcy case for ConnectEDU. She advocated for the inclusion of online education providers under the provisions of the bill.

03:42 PM --
Jim Cole, representing K12, Inc., spoke in support of amending the bill. He discussed the importance of precise terminology in drafting the bill. He discussed amendments to the bill. He spoke about his company's concerns with the bill and asserted that his company should be regulated the same as public online schools.

03:50 PM

The committee adjourned.