Date: 12/14/2015

University of Northern Colorado


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02:21 PM -- University of Northern Colorado

President Kay Norton, Dr. Robyn Wacker, Provost, and Mr. Kirk Leichliter, Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management, all representing the University of Northern Colorado, presented one FY 2016-17 capital budget request for its Campus Commons project. Committee members received a memo addressing a recommendation made to the Joint Budget Committee during its staff briefing on capital construction to delay state funding for the next phase of the project (Attachment E). President Norton said that the university has achieved one-third of its fund raising goal on behalf of the project. Provost Wacker described the goals of its Campus Commons project regarding the one-stop student services model.

151214 AttachE.pdf151214 AttachE.pdf

02:30 PM

President Norton, Mr. Leichliter, and Provost Wacker described the potential ramifications of delaying state funding for the next phase of the project.