Date: 10/29/2015

Update from Advisory Task Force


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01:06 PM -- Update from Advisory Task Force

Susie Walton, Advisory Task Force Chair, and Camille Harding, Advisory Task Force Co-chair, introduced themselves. Senator Martinez Humenik asked whether the minutes from the July and August task force meetings had been prepared, to which Ms. Walton responded affirmatively.

01:08 PM

Ms. Walton discussed the September 25, 2015 retreat held by the task force. She referenced the minutes that were compiled from the retreat. She said that there was discussion about the bills the oversight committee proposed at the September 21, 2015 committee meeting. She stated that housing, restoration services, and juvenile competency issues were determined to the be the focus points for the task force. Ms. Walton said that the housing subgroup met in October and discussed conducting a Lean event concerning housing. Ms. Harding outlined the Lean event process. Ms. Walton discussed the stakeholders that they hope to be engaged in the Lean event for housing. Senator Martinez Humenik suggesting additional stakeholders to engage in the event, such as people who work in jails and with local organizations that assist with housing issues.

01:15 PM

Tariq Sheikh, 17th Judicial District, discussed House Bill 15-1025, concerning juvenile competency. He discussed the need to focus on restoration services for juveniles. Mr. Sheikh discussed situations when competency was an issue in cases involving juveniles in various counties. He discussed looking at who is providing the restoration services. He referenced the use of case management plans for juveniles, and the lack of funding for those plans. Mr. Sheikh answered questions about what types of services and treatments are involved in restoration. Senator Martinez Humenik asked about data collection concerning restoration services. Mr. Sheikh answered questions about restoration services and the treatment of mental health needs. Senator Newell commented on her involvement with previous legislation to address juvenile competency.

01:33 PM

Mr. Sheikh discussed establishing a statute outlining restoration services requirements. He reiterated the lack of funding for case management plans. Mr. Sheikh answered questions about the components of a management plan. Senator Martinez Humenik discussed her concerns about juveniles having criminal records for minor offenses. Mr. Sheikh discussed the ability to expunge certain offenses from juveniles' records.

01:41 PM

Ms. Walton discussed local jurisdictions that are addressing sexting by juveniles. She discussed restoration services provided at the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo versus community-based services. Discussion about restoration services and juvenile competency ensued. Ms. Walton discussed the action steps the task force will be taking to address restoration services. There was discussion about the task force's charge and the size of the task force. A copy of the task force's charge was distributed to the committee (Attachment B). Ms. Walton discussed the possibility of adding a representative from the Department of Public Health and Environment to the task force. She discussed the engagement of outside stakeholders with the task force. Mr. Sheikh responded to questions about the sexting program in Adams and Jefferson counties. Senator Newell discussed changes to the task force composition that occurred in 2014. Mr. Sheikh provided further information about the Adams county program to address sexting by juveniles. Committee discussion about the program ensued.


02:03 PM

Ms. Walton reiterated the focus by the task force on housing and restoration services. She mentioned possible changes to the task force's charge. Senator Martinez Humenik suggested having quarterly updates from the task force in the future. There was further discussion about the composition of the task force.