Date: 01/15/2015

Other Business


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08:17 AM -- Other Business

Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, discussed potential Joint Budget Committee (JBC) legislation related to the capital process. The JBC voted to direct the Office of Legislative Legal Services to draft the legislation at its January 13 meeting. Committee members received an excerpt of a JBC staff document outlining three items of proposed legislation related to capital construction (Attachment G). Ms. Donaldson first presented item #18 on Attachment G. Discussion ensued on the source of funds for capital and information technology projects. Discussion continued on the topic of the role of the Joint Technology Committee, the source of funds for capital and information technology projects, and the implications of creating a subaccount within the Capital Construction Fund. Ms. Donaldson next presented item #19 on Attachment G.

150115 AttachG.pdf150115 AttachG.pdf

08:36 AM

Ms. Donaldson briefly introduced item #20 on Attachment G and Mr. Alfredo Kemm, JBC staff, came to the table to further discuss item #20 and to answer committee questions. Mr. Kemm also addressed earlier questions raised during the discussion of item #18.

08:47 AM

The meeting adjourned.