Date: 08/10/2015

Watershed Health, Restoration, and Protection


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03:40 PM -- Watershed Health, Restoration, and Protection

Heather Dutton, Executive Director, Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project and Assistant Manager, San Luis Valley Water Conservancy District, distributed an executive summary of the Rio Grande Basin Basin Implementation Plan (Attachment A). She explained that the Rio Grande watershed in Colorado covers 8,200 square miles. The Rio Grande Headwaters Project area includes the 200 miles of the Rio Grande Corridor in Colorado, including the 20-mile reach of the South Fork of the Rio Grande. She also identified types of forests in the Rio Grande Basin and threats to these forests including insects and wildfires. She also explained how forest health can affect watersheds and water quality. She also identified riparian restoration projects to reduce soil erosion, improve water availability, improve habitat, and to improve water quality. She also identified water source protection projects including the cleanup of abandoned mines and forest management.

Attachment A.pdfAttachment A.pdf