Date: 11/20/2015

Proposed Donation of a Memorial for the Capitol Grounds - Sand Creek Memorial


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

01:41 PM -- Proposed Donation of a Memorial for the Capitol Grounds - Sand Creek Memori

Ms. Dina Klimkina, One Earth Future Foundation, presented a proposal for a Sand Creek Memorial on the Capitol grounds. She presented slides (Attachment A) and described the elements of the proposed memorial. Committee members also received the application packet for the memorial (Attachment B). Ms. Klimkina discussed the artists and tribal representatives who worked with the foundation to design the memorial. She discussed the background of the memorial's artist, Mr. Harvey Platt.

Attachment A.pdfAttachment A.pdf Attachment B.pdfAttachment B.pdf

The committee viewed a fundraising video prepared by Governor John Hickenlooper in support of the memorial.

01:50 PM

Ms. Eddins discussed the existing plaque commemorating the Sand Creek Massacre with Ms. Klimkina and Mr. Halaas.

In response to a question from Ms. McCleave, Ms. Klimkina explained that the location was selected because it is the end point of the annual Sand Creek Spiritual Healing Run.

Ms. Contiguglia and Ms. Klimkina discussed project fundraising and the proposed design. In particular, Ms. Contiguglia commented on the proposed materials, the selection of the artist, the possibility of visitors climbing on components of the memorial, and security of offerings left at the site. She also requested to see other samples of the artist's work.

Senator Cadman discussed the events that occur on the west lawn of the Capitol and raised concerns over the location. Ms. Klimkina noted that the memorial is designed to be approachable.

Representative McNulty expressed concern that the monument would be a target of vandalism. He further noted that the design is a significant departure from existing monuments on the grounds.

Ms. McCleave noted that the Capitol grounds are part of the Civic Center National Historic Landmark and discussed the need for scrutiny of any new monuments within the landmark area.

02:02 PM

Mr. Lee noted the slope of the grounds in this area and the impact of adverse weather on the proposed location. Mr. Lee and Ms. Klimkina discussed maintaining grass in this area, where there would be increased foot traffic.

Mr. Halaas discussed the benefits of the selected site. He further noted the prominence of the Civil War Monument and the benefits of juxtaposing the memorial with this monument. He discussed the importance of commemorating the Sand Creek Massacre and the need for a monument accessible to the people of Colorado.

Representative McNulty suggested a smaller footprint, and that the memorial be easier to maintain and pose fewer safety hazards.

Ms. Contiguglia discussed the committee's preference for accepting gifts that are completely funded. Ms. Klimkina explained that the Arsenault Family Foundation would fill any gaps in fundraising.

Mr. Lee and Ms. Klimkina discussed the supports on the medicine wheel portion of the design. Mr. Walter and Ms. Klimkina further discussed the need to raise the medicine wheel off the ground.

Representative McNulty and Mr. Lee discussed maintenance of other monuments on the Capitol grounds, particularly if commemorative offerings are left.