Date: 02/10/2015



Votes: View--> Action Taken:

02:59 PM -- SB15-114

The committee returned from recess. Senator Crowder, sponsor, described the provisions of Senate Bill 15-114 that prohibits a county government from using eminent domain (condemnation) for the acquisition of property for parks, recreation, open space, conservation, or for similar purposes. Counties are also prohibited from providing funding to any public or private party for the acquisition by condemnation of similar properties.

The following persons testified on the bill.

03:10 PM --
Jeff Huntley, Summit County, spoke in opposition to the bill and explained when Summit County has used its eminent domain powers, including the acquisition of the Hunter Mine property.

03:24 PM --
Bill Clayton, Colorado Counties, Inc. (CCI), explained that CCI has yet to take a position on the bill and identified potential concerns counties may have.

03:26 PM --
Greg Romberg, Arapaho County, expressed concern about the ability of counties to build recreational trails near roads that are acquired by eminent domain and proposed an amendment to address this concern.

The following person submitted written testimony in opposition to the bill but did not testify.

Steven F. Childs, Pitkin County Board of County Commissioners (Attachment C).

150210 AttachC.pdf150210 AttachC.pdf

03:33 PM

Testimony was closed and the bill was laid over for action only on February 17.

03:34 PM

The committee adjourned.