Date: 07/22/2015

BILL SUMMARY for Yampa-White-Green Basin Roundtable Basin Implementation Plan


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06:32 PM -- Yampa-White-Green Basin Roundtable Basin Implementation Plan

Jeff Devere, At-Large Representative, Yampa-White-Green (YWG) Basin Roundtable, provided information on the YWG Basin Implementation Plan (BIP) and the recent activities of the YWG Basin Roundtable (Attachment A). Goals of the YWG BIP include protection of the YWG basin from curtailment of existing water uses, protection of agricultural water uses, identification and resolution of municipal and industrial water shortages, protection of non-consumptive environmental and recreational uses, and modernization of storage and distribution infrastructure.

Attachment A.pdfAttachment A.pdf

06:38 PM

Mr. Devere summarized the current activities of the YWG Basin Roundtable. These include facilitated retreats to discuss the details of complicated policy areas, such as native flow allotment. The roundtable is also investigating more ambitious policy proposals, such as the Maybell Pumpback, in order to respond to anticipated future questions about the effects of such a project. He also explained that the Roundtable interpreted the state's conceptual framework as a set of issues which future projects would need to be targeted to resolve.

06:44 PM

Senator Roberts invited members of the committee to share questions that they hoped public testimony might be able to answer. Members of the committee provided statements on water issues of importance to them, including: conservation strategies to avoid trans-mountain diversion; Colorado River Compact compliance; funding for agricultural improvements promoting efficiency; additional storage using reservoirs or aquifers; project funding in light of the state's other obligations; need for multiple plans across basinsgiven the state's diverse hydrology; alternatives to municipal purchase of agricultural water rights; and alternative funding mechanisms beyond the state government.