Date: 10/29/2015

Long-Term Funding Needs for Public Wastewater and Drinking Water Projects


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09:06 AM -- Long-Term Funding Needs for Public Wastewater and Drinking Water Projects

Kevin Bommer, Colorado Municipal League (CML), identified a memorandum prepared by Legislative Council Staff concerning state funding for water projects (Attachment A) and discussed the growing demand for water in Colorado. He also also identified potential means for addressing the growing demand including new water storage and increased conservation and water use efficiency. He explained that in 2013, Governor Hickenlooper issued an executive order directing the Colorado Water Conservation Board to commence work on the Colorado Water Plan to help identify water supply solutions. He also identified the need for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure and identified state funding for such projects. He also discussed funding available for source water protection and announced an upcoming webinar that will be hosted by CML and the Colorado Department of Natural Resources concerning abandoned mines.

Attachment A.pdfAttachment A.pdf