Date: 02/11/2015

BILL SUMMARY for HB15-1100


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

01:35 PM

Representative Court, chair, called the meeting to order.

01:36 PM -- HB15-1100

Representative Lebsock, co-prime sponsor, introduced House Bill 15-1100. Under current law, 85 percent of state sales and use taxes are allocated to the Old Age Pension Fund and 15 percent to the General Fund, except that $10 million is diverted to the Older Coloradans Cash Fund. This bill increases that diversion by $4 million to a total of $14 million per year. Representative Lebsock distributed a fact sheet and information on Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) (Attachments A and B). He described the work AAAs do for seniors in Colorado with the funds.

15HouseFin0211AttachA.pdf15HouseFin0211AttachA.pdf 15HouseFin0211AttachB.pdf15HouseFin0211AttachB.pdf

Representative Roupe, co-prime sponsor, spoke to House Bill 15-1100. She noted this is a fiscally prudent bill, helps seniors in Colorado, and reduces the state's Medicaid burden. She noted that all of the funds go to local agencies through the Department of Human Services for senior services. She stated funds for administrative costs are provided by local areas.

01:51 PM -- Mr. Rich Mauro, Senior Policy and Legislative Analyst for the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG), testified in support of the bill. He noted the need for stability by making this transfer through statute instead of the budget process. He commented on the growth of the number of seniors in Colorado and the growing need for services.

02:01 PM --
Mr. Guy Dutra-Silveira, Director of the Pikes Peak Area Council of Government's AAA, testified in support of the bill. He noted that the Pikes Peak AAA helps seniors in conjunction with non-profits, a few for-profit businesses, and government agencies. He offered examples of clients who have benefited from AAA services.

02:10 PM -- Ms. Jayla Sanchez-Warren, Director of DRCOG's AAA, testified in support of the bill. She noted that AAA programs allow people to stay in their homes and offers them numerous services. Responding to a committee question, she stated that the AAA contracts with about 30 different providers for 40 different services.

02:18 PM -- Ms. Susan Honstein, representing the Colorado Alliance of Retired Americans, testified in support of the bill. She noted that the bill is fiscally prudent, encourages community involvement, and is cost-effective.

02:23 PM -- Mr. Gregory Golyansky, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. He talked about his personal experience with nursing facilities.

02:32 PM -- Ms. Kathleen Flynn, representing the Association of American Retired Persons, testified in support of the bill. She noted this bill would help AAAs better plan their annual budgets and expand services. She spoke about her personal experience with the transportation program.

02:36 PM -- Mr. John Zabawa, President and CEO of the Seniors' Resource Center, testified in support of the bill.

02:37 PM -- Ms. Evelyn Woodall, client of the Seniors' Resource Center, testified in support of the bill. She testified about her experience with the Seniors' Resource Center.

02:42 PM -- Mr. Ben Sawamura, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. He spoke of his experiences with Meals on Wheels through Volunteers of America, one of the programs supported by these funds.

02:47 PM -- Mr. Ed Shackelford, President of the Colorado Senior Lobby, testified in support of the bill. He noted the impact of the aging population in Colorado. He distributed a Colorado Senior Lobby newsletter (Attachment C).


03:01 PM -- Mr. John Stoffel, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. He spoke of his personal experience as a senior in Colorado.

03:05 PM -- Ms. Julie Leonard, representing the League of Woman Voters Colorado, testified in support of the bill. She noted senior programs benefit families, neighborhoods, and the whole community.

03:09 PM

Representative Lebsock handed out an article to the committee (Attachment D). The committee laid over the bill to a future date.
