Date: 02/10/2015

Potential Committee Legislation


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07:31 AM -- Potential Committee Legislation

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Ms. Esther van Mourik, Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS), came to the table to discuss potential committee legislation. Committee members received a summary of potential committee legislation, prepared by Ms. van Mourik (Attachment A). Ms. van Mourik discussed potential legislation related to the flexibility in the interim supplemental process and to the art in public places program (LLS 15-0649). She also discussed potential legislation related to cleaning up real property statutes (LLS 15-0650), a change to Joint Rule 45 regarding controlled maintenance (LLS 15-0872), creating a depreciation sub-account within the capital construction fund for the Department of Human Services (DHS) regional centers (LLS 15-0878), and a refinance of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation lab in Grand Junction (LLS 15-0879).

150210 AttachA.pdf150210 AttachA.pdf

07:42 AM

Ms. van Mourik discussed the need for delayed status for the potential legislation.