Date: 08/10/2015

Public Testimony Concerning the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan


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06:42 PM -- Public Testimony Concerning the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan

The following persons testified to the committee:

06:42 PM --
Don Shawcroft, representing himself, spoke to the committee about the CWP. He explained that he is concerned about the lack of storage in the state and suggested that the state call upon the federal government to declare a state of emergency due to the amount of water that leaves the state. Mr. Shawcroft expressed his concerns about specific sections of the plan, including sections 3 and 4 of the plan. He further stated that section IV of Chapter 10 of the CWP concerning support for agricultural conservation and efficiency shoul dfurther devine "saved" water and explain that conservation of agricultural water rights is different from conservation of municipal and industrial water rights. He also said that the plan should explain who may benefit from the marketing of saved agricultural water rights.

06:48 PM --
Dick Ray, Colorado Outfitters Association, spoke to the committee about the CWP. He explained that Colorado cannot be all things to all people and stated that water users would benefit from headwater storage. Mr. Ray expressed his concern about new residents using water that has already been allocated in the state.

06:54 PM --
Senator Crowder gave his thoughts regarding the Rio Grande River Basin community and the CWP.

06:59 PM --
Mike Mitchell, Colorado Farm Bureau, spoke to the committee about his concerns regarding the overappropriation of water in the state. He expressed his concerns regarding the protection of the Prior Appropriation Doctrine.

07:01 PM

Senator Roberts closed public testimony.

07:02 PM

The committee adjourned.