Date: 05/22/2015

Building and Grounds Project Updates


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01:47 PM -- Building and Grounds Project Updates

Mr. Lance Shepherd, Department of Personnel and Administration, presented updates on construction projects around the building and grounds. He noted that the department will be repairing damaged granite on the Joseph P. Martinez statue in Lincoln Park. Committee members discussed the damage and costs of repairs.

Mr. Shepherd discussed the restroom renovations for compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and the next phase of the chambers restoration project. Ms. Contiguglia suggested that some stenciling for the chambers be done on canvas. Mr. Shepherd and committee members discussed this.

Mr. Shepherd explained that leftover funds from the dome restoration will be used to make repairs on the building's exterior. He noted that the project will repair the exterior and do grout work and tuckpointing. It will also restore windows, replacing rotted wood and repairing hardware to allow the windows to be opened. He explained that the windows will probably be done from the top of the building down.

01:56 PM

Mr. Shepherd discussed the project to repair the Capitol roof and skylights. He noted that they have found five to six layers of asphalt shingles on the roof, as well as two different types of asbestos. He explained that asbestos abatement will add a considerable amount to the project's costs. Mr. Shepherd added that they are looking for roofing material that is low maintenance and has at least a 50-year life span, and that the period of historical significance for the roof will be 1905.

02:00 PM

Mr. Dennis Humphries and Ms. Jane Crisler, Humphries and Poli architects, presented additional design information about the roof project. They presented prepared slides (Attachment B). Mr. Humphries introduced Humphries Poli and their expert team. He presented the project goals and discussed a 2012 roof study. He noted that the main parts of the roof were originally done in Buckingham slate tile from Virginia, but that the original slate failed.

Attachment B.pdfAttachment B.pdf

02:08 PM

Ms. Crisler discussed the research done on roofing materials. She noted that the current terra cotta is not historically accurate. She discussed synthetic slate and various types of metal roofing.

02:17 PM

Mr. Nichols questioned Ms. Crisler about the possibility of replicating the look of a shingled roof. Ms. Crisler summarized the recommendations: Buckingham slate, freedom gray coated copper, and natural copper.

Ms. Bishop and Ms. Crisler discussed the use of copper roofing on the Michigan State Capitol. Ms. Anderson and Ms. Crisler discussed the warranty on the coated copper.

Ms. Contiguglia commented on the sheen and weathering of copper roofing.

Mr. McNulty questioned Ms. Crisler on the copper's ability to withstand foot traffic. Mr. Shepherd commented on the safety aspects of the project.

02:25 PM

Ms. Contiguglia and Mr. Shepherd discussed the funding for the project, including $1.4 million in controlled maintenance funds for Phase I. Mr. McNulty, Ms. Anderson, and Mr. Shepherd discussed asbestos mitigation.

02:29 PM

Mr. Shepherd requested that the committee make a recommendation to the Capital Development Committee about the roofing materials. Ms. Jackson clarified that the committee could prepare a recommendation by e-mail. Discussion ensued about this process.

Mr. Walter and Mr. Shepherd discussed the possibility of a darker colored metal. Representative Moreno and Ms. Crisler discussed the weathering of the copper in Colorado.

Ms. Anderson and Ms. Crisler discussed the use of Buckingham slate in Colorado.

Senator Cadman questioned Mr. Shepherd about the project time frame. Mr. Shepherd explained that construction will not begin until next year.