Date: 01/28/2015

Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act Section 3-116, LLS 15-0670


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
Moved to defer action on Uniform Common Interest OPass Without Objection

01:50 PM -- Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act Section 3-116, LLS 15-0670

01:50 PM --
Dan Sweetser, Colorado Bar Association – Real Estate (RE) Section, stated that the RE section is not taking a position on this act. Mr. Sweetzer pointed out that there could be significant opposition to the bill and that one point of particular concern was the ability to evict a homeowner.

Commissioner Mielke indicated that some clariafication in the priority of liens could be beneficial. Commissioner Levy pointed out that there were a number of factors present that made the passage of this act unlikely and that much of the crisis and motivation for the bill has passed. Commissioner Gardner agreed with Commissioners Mielke and Levy, but would like to continue the discussion.

01:57 PM -- Amy Redfern, with Aponte Busam and representing the Community Associations Institute, said that the local HOA trade association shared the sentiment of the Colorado Bar Association. And even though the national organization supported this act there and that there remained issues for Colorado that need to be addressed and recommended allowing more time to talk with a broader group of stakeholders before moving forward. Overall, the bill has merits and addresses important issues, but needs more discussion.

The consensus of the commission was to not move this legislation forward this year, but to continue to work on the act for future introduction and contact states that have enacted the act to see if they encountered some of the same issues and how these issues were addressed. Also discussed sending a letter to potentially interested stakeholders to bring groups together for discussion.

BILL:Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act Section 3-116, LLS 15-0670
TIME: 02:09:24 PM
MOVED:Charley Pike
MOTION:Moved to defer action on Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act Section 3-116, but direct staff to bring it forward for consideration for next year’s agenda and authorize the chair to issue a letter to stakeholders to initiate discussions. The motion passed without objection.
Bob Gardner
Thomas Grimshaw
Jon Keyser
Claire Levy
Donald Mielke
Thomas Morris
Charley Pike
Brandon Shaffer
Pat Steadman
(None), (None)
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection