Date: 01/22/2015

Presentation from Legislative Staff


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09:36 AM

Representative Tyler, Chair, called the meeting to order.

09:39 AM -- Presentation from Legislative Staff

Jason Gelender, Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS), and Erin Reynolds, Legislative Council Staff, came to the table to present to the committee. Mr. Gelender introduced himself and fellow staff members who draft legislation and handle issues related to transportation and energy. He distributed a handout detailing OLLS (Attachment A), and summarized the services provided by the office and its bill drafters.

150122 AttachA.pdf150122 AttachA.pdf

09:43 AM

Ms. Reynolds introduced herself and the members of Legislative Council Staff (LCS) who produce the fiscal notes for bills introduced by the General Assembly. She described the statutory responsibilities of LCS and its fiscal notes staff and spoke to changes made to the fiscal notes template for the 2015 session. (Attachment B)

150122 AttachB.pdf150122 AttachB.pdf