Date: 08/12/2015

Public Testimony Concerning the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

06:48 PM -- Public Testimony Concerning the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan

Senator Roberts described the process for public comment on the plan and invited the public in attendance to speak to the committee.

The following persons testified to the committee:

06:50 PM -- Stan Cazeer, Middle Park Water Conservancy District, introduced himself and discussed his concerns about the CWP. He discussed the TMD facilities in the basin and the growing concern among different agencies, including BLM, regarding the continuing lack of supply and how that would affect Lake Powell and the basins. He stated that there is no water for an additional TMD. He endorsed the 30 percent limit on outdoor water use, proposed by the Southwest Basin Roundtable. He stated that it is important to address outdoor water usage sooner, not later, in order to avoid the dry-up of agricultural lands. He discussed the current drought in California and stated that the General Assembly would have to pass legislation to address a future drought in Colorado. He stated that the government would need the ability to declare a state of emergency, as California did, in order to curtail water use in drought conditions. He discussed the financial implications of the CWP and the proposed projects, including TMDs. He stated that it will be difficult to come up with funds to build and develop the proposed projects.

06:59 PM --
Abby Burk, Audubon of the Rockies, introduced herself and explained the Audubon network to the committee. She described the three main focuses of the Audubon network. She stated that the rivers in the state are currently overworked and discussed the environmental consequences of overworking the rivers. Ms. Burk stated that the plan should identify funding for healthy flowing rivers and further discussed the financial issues surrounding the plan. She stated that the rivers need more resources to sustain their longevity.

07:03 PM --
Bill Tompson, representing himself, discussed the need for an adequate water supply for users in Grand County.

07:05 PM --
Torrie Jarvis, Northwest Colorado Council of Governments, Water Quality and Quantity Commission (QQ), introduced herself and described the work of QQ and how QQ has assisted with current projects and the drafting of the CWP. She distributed a summary of her comments to the committee (Attachment A). She explained that her comments would be directed towards Chapter 9 of the plan. She stated that the state should act as a neutral facilitator in order to create a more efficient permitting process. She stated that local interests should be more involved in developing water projects, and the state should have a role in bringing different groups together. The state endorsement of projects should be addressed. Ms. Jarvis would like more clarification on how the state would endorse projects, and she is concerned that the state endorsing a project would override local government to a certain extant. Ms. Jarvis stated that without local government approval of a water project, it would be inappropriate for the state to finance a project. Ms. Jarvis explained that funding is an important issue for land use planing and conservation, in addition to developing water projects. She stated that more conversations need to be had concerning land use and conservation across the state due to the fact that land use and conservation efforts will differ throughout the state. (Attachment A)

Attachment A.pdfAttachment A.pdf

07:13 PM -- Lurline U. Curren, Grand County Manager, introduced herself to the committee. She stated that the agricultural users in the basin do not consume much of the water, they divert and return the water to the river, helping other components of the economy and environment. She stated that the CWP should focus more on agricultural users and agricultural efficiency.

07:18 PM --
Merrit Linke, Grand County Commissioner and local rancher, introduced himself to the committee. He discussed the Nine Mile, Ten Mile, and Eight Mile Creeks and how those creeks were named and how they effect the hydrology of the rivers in the basin. He discussed his water rights and how agricultural users divert water from the river and return it back to the river. He also discussed TMDs and stated that 60% of the water in Grand County is currently being diverted from the basin. He stated that Windy Gap Reservoir is a trouble spot for the basin and discussed the problems in the area due to the the reservoir having a large surface area and being shallow. The Windy Gap Bypass project should be a priority for the state, and the state should make a commitment to fund the project. He stated that the project would help water to flow by the reservoir, helping the water temperatures to stay cooler and help fish flow through the area.

07:25 PM --
Paul Bruchez, Colorado Basin Roundtable, introduced himself to the committee and discussed the ranching background of his family. He stated that his ranch irrigates out of the Colorado River and he acts as a fly fishing guide on the river. He stated that there are differing views throughout the state concerning TMDs. He stated that while water providers have done a good job in promoting water conservation, the understanding of water use and land use planning is not fully understood throughout the state. He described a current water project, which addresses decreasing water supply while working with environmental organizations. He urged the state to encourage a change in the culture concerning water. He expressed appreciation for the willingness to cooperate in finding solutions to the water issues in the state.

07:33 PM

Senator Roberts closed public testimony and encouraged the public to submit their comments on the plan.

07:34 PM

The committee adjourned.