Date: 02/19/2015

BILL SUMMARY for HB15-1014


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

12:07 PM -- HB15-1014

Representative Dore, sponsor, introduced House Bill 15-1014. The bill adjusts the registration interval for seasonal farm motor vehicles from 12 months to 24 months and reduces the registration fee. In addition, the bill reduces the amount of specific ownership tax for seasonal farm motor vehicles by half. Representative Dore distributed a fiscal note memorandum and spoke to proposed amendments. In response to committee questions, Representative Dore noted that seasonal farm motor vehicles are defined in statute and currently get a special license plate to denote their status.

12:12 PM -- Ms. Amber Clay, representing Clay Land and Livestock and the Colorado Farm Bureau, testified in support of the bill. She spoke about her personal experience with seasonal farm motor vehicles. She noted the bill benefits the agricultural community because it reduces the costs and burdens for owning a seasonal farm motor vehicle. Committee discussion ensued regarding the impact of the bill on local school financing.

12:19 PM -- Ms. Erin Reynolds, Legislative Council Staff, came to the table to answer questions regarding the fiscal note. She noted the bill reduces specific ownership tax revenue collections. Because an average of 26 percent of special ownership tax contributes to the local share of school finance, funds must be backfilled with General Fund monies.

12:21 PM

The bill was laid over for action only at a future date.