Date: 01/23/2015

DPA 15-16 IT Request


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04:00 PM -- DPA 15-16 IT Request

Ms. Kara Veitch, Interim Executive Director, and Mr. Bob Jaros, State Controller, both representing the Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA), came to the table to discuss DPA's FY 2015-16 IT budget request for the Collections System Replacement project. Committee members received a summary of the project request, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment I). Ms. Veitch discussed the purpose of the project and the cash funds spending authority requested on behalf of the project. In response to a committee question regarding training for other governmental entities using the collections system, Mr. Jaros stated a majority of the training will be provided for the Central Collections Program. Political subdivisions will be incorporated into the system. In response to a committee question regarding vendors, Mr. Jaros stated the department will be completing an RFP to determine eligible vendors.

150123 AttachI.pdf150123 AttachI.pdf

04:08 PM

The committee recessed.

04:14 PM

The committee returned to order. Ms. Jessika Shipley, Legislative Council Staff, came to the table to discuss the prioritization process by agencies, the Colorado Commission for Higher Education (CCHE), the Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB), and the JTC. Ms. Shipley recommended that the committee prioritize its IT budget requests for submission to the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) prior to February 13, with a statutory deadline of February 15. Mr. Gary Lucas, Legislative Council Staff, came to the table to discuss the FY 2015-16 IT budget requests heard by the committee during the meeting. Discussion ensued on the five projects. In response to a committee question regarding the need for the IT budget request project from DOC, Ms. Shipley responded that the antiquated DCIS system is on the verge of failure, as described by the department earlier today. Discussion ensued on the budget request requirements from DOC and related oversight from OIT.

04:39 PM

Discussion ensued on the differences between each project. Discussion also ensued on the funding history and schedule of the DRIVES project. In response to a committee question regarding the expenditures to date on the project, Mr. Shea came to the table to discuss the schedule of the project. Ms. Shipley stated that the original project request by the department anticipated that the RFP phase would begin in September 2014.

04:50 PM

Discussion ensued on legislative action regarding IT budget requests in recent years and on the need for five-year planning of IT needs in the state. Discussion ensued on the absence of a business process analysis for the DPA Collections System Replacement project.

04:57 PM

The committee adjourned.