

Time:11:59 AM to 01:05 PM
Becker J.
This Meeting was called to order by
Senator Roberts
Mitsch Bush
This Report was prepared by
Meghan O'Connor
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Call to Order
Overview of the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan
North Platte Basin Roundtable Basin Implementation Plan
Public Testimony Concerning the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan

11:59 AM -- Call to Order

Senator Roberts called the meeting to order and explained the background of Senate Bill 14-115. Senator Roberts noted that Representative KC Becker was also present at the meeting. The committee members introduced themselves.

12:09 PM

Senator Roberts discussed the remaining schedule for the committee, and asked the people present to introduce themselves.

12:12 PM -- Overview of the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan

Gaspar Perricone, Legislative Liaison, Department of Natural Resources (DNR), introduced himself to the committee and provided a background of the Colorado Water Plan (CWP). Mr. Perricone described the various challenges that the state is currently facing and how the development of the CWP addresses those challenges. Mr. Perricone mentioned that the State Water Supply Initiative helped to develop the plan and discussed the executive order issued by Governor Hickenlooper, which directed the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) to develop the plan. Mr. Perricone discussed the timeline of the water plan. He discussed Chapter 10 of the CWP, "Critical Action Plan," which outlines each action that needs to be taken in order to implement the CWP. Mr. Perricone explained that the CWP is meant to be an evolving document and discussed how the CWCB will measure the success of the plan. He mentioned the importance of public involvement in the development of the plan.

12:19 PM

Senator Roberts mentioned the importance of public input.

12:19 PM -- North Platte Basin Roundtable Basin Implementation Plan

Kent Crowder, chair of the North Platte Basin Roundtable, introduced himself to the committee. Mr. Crowder explained the North Platte Basin Implementation Plan and discussed the projects that the North Platte Basin Roundtable has identified. He additionally discussed the goals of the North Platte Basin, which include increasing economic development and diversification through strategic water use and development. Mr. Crowder discussed the anticipated effects of some of the proposed projects in the North Platte. Mr. Crowder discussed the MacFarlane Reservoir Dam Rehabilitation Project and described the five main goals of that project. Mr. Crowder discussed the funding of the MacFarlane Dam Rehabilitation Project and the various private partnerships that have been developed in order to execute the project. Mr. Crowder provided a brief background of the dam and stated that the proposed project will address the seepage that is currently coming from the dam and will provide reliable access to water. Mr. Crowder discussed the various agricultural users that will benefit from the rehabilitation of the dam, as well as the environmental benefits of rehabilitating the dam.

12:30 PM

Mr. Crowder discussed the Evapotranspiration Project, which will reestablish lysimeter measurements in the high altitude, hay meadow environment of North Park. Mr. Crowder answered questions from the committee regarding the staffing for the evapotranspiration project. Mr. Crowder noted that the staffing issues have been resolved and the project will be fully staffed. Mr. Crowder discussed the existing weather stations that will be an integral part of the project.

12:34 PM

Mr. Crowder discussed a basin-wide augmentation plan, which will help maintain and maximize the consumptive water use in the basin. He provided and overview of the augmentation plan. The tasks of the plan include identifying augmentation needs, identifying and quantifying augmentation supplies, and identifying and addressing water consumption. Mr. Crowder then discussed the Canal Maintenance Project and discussed the New Pioneer Ditch Diversion, the Walden Reservoir Check Structure, the Squibob Headgate Structure, the Staples Headgate Structure, the Bostwick Headgate Structure, the Richmond Diversion Structure, the Seneca Ditch Headgate Structure, and the Mallon Extension Ditch Structure. Mr. Crowder stated that the basin wants to demonstrate that agricultural users are important to the consumptive use needs.

12:46 PM

Mr. Crowder answered questions from the committee regarding the depletion allowance plan in the North Platte Basin. Mr. Crowder explained that the depletion allowance, though seemingly extra water, is not actually an abundance of water in the basin.

12:49 PM -- Public Testimony Concerning the Second Draft of the Colorado Water Plan

The following people testified on the second draft of the CWP:

12:51 PM --
Ty Wattenberg, representing himself, stated that the Water Supply Reserve Account (WSRA) funding component of the plan should be kept as whole as possible, and more funds should be added to the account. He said that all basins will need additional funding in order to implement components of the plan. He stated that alternative transfer methods should retain the current sideboards in place, such as regulating the time in which water can be leased.

12:52 PM -- Carl Trick, representing himself, stated that it is important that the WSRA funding should be directed towards lessening the municipal and industrial gap, which is what the State Water Supply Initiative (SWSI) study specifically addressed. He stated that the current draft of the CWP does not have enough teeth and mentioned that enough water has traveled out of the state to fill the gap if there were places to store it along the South Platte River. He discussed the lack of compromising amongst different groups in developing the water plan, as well as in completing water projects. He stated that if there are going to be projects that effect water in the state, the state needs to be more involved, specifically in making the permitting process simpler and more efficient.

12:56 PM --
Frank Romero, United States Forest Service, stated that he has not reviewed the entire water plan, but he will continue to inform himself.

12:58 PM

Sentor Roberts asked those present about the funding mechanisms of the plan. Mr. Wattenberg stated that the state needs to be more involved in the funding of projects and stated that there needs to be more creative ways to fund projects. He also stated that education is an extremely important component of the plan. Senator Sonnenberg and Mr. Wattenberg discussed the increased statutory authority of the CWCB in providing loans to complete water projects. Senator Sonnenberg expressed his concern about money being taken away from projects that are needed to implement the CWP, specifically to decrease the municipal and industrial gap. Mr. Wattenberg stated that efficiency in the loan process of funding projects should be considered, but the General Assembly should have input. Representative Brown and Mr. Trick discused the need for storage on the South Platte River, and Mr. Trick stated that storage on the South Platte would be beneficial to the North Platte Basin and would eliminate the need for further dry-up of agricultural water rights.

01:04 PM

The committee adjourned.