Date: 10/23/2015

Committee Discussion


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09:07 AM -- Committee Discussion

A memorandum summarizing Bill 2 (Attachment B) was distributed to the committee by the Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS). Jery Payne, OLLS, summarized the changes made by the bill. Amendments 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 were distributed to the committee (Attachments C, D, E, F, and G). Committee discussion ensued on the changes made to statute by Bill 2. Representative Brown discussed how counties that are not currently allowing off-highway vehicles (OHVs) to use county roads might want to opt-in to the proposed OHV registration program as laid out by the bill, and the requirements those counties will be able to implement as a part of OHV use within their jurisdiction.

Attachment B.pdfAttachment B.pdf Attachment C.pdfAttachment C.pdf Attachment D.pdfAttachment D.pdf Attachment E.pdfAttachment E.pdf Attachment F.pdfAttachment F.pdf Attachment G.pdfAttachment G.pdf

09:16 AM

Eric Bergman, Colorado Counties, Incorporated (CCI), came to the table to speak to the counties that could be interested in participating in the proposed OHV registration program. Mr. Bergman stated that at least a dozen counties have already passed ordinances to allow county road use by OHVs. He said that a number of counties were interested in being able to implement increased safety standards, surrounding requirements for driver's licenses and liability insurance. The committee discussed the number of OHVs that could potentially be registered under the program, registration requirements for OHVs that use roads as laid out by the bill, counties that currently implement additional requirements for OHV users within their jurisdiction, the voluntary nature of the program for counties and for OHV users, and how a county can adopt an ordinance to waive the requirement for a driver's license, as authorized by the bill.

09:29 AM

The committee discussed how varying registration requirements across counties will impact OHV users. Mr. Payne responded to questions on whether counties can currently authorize an OHV to cross a state highway.