Date: 04/15/2015

BILL SUMMARY for Colorado State Association of Health Underwriters


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

07:58 AM -- Colorado State Association of Health Underwriters

Tammy Niederman, Colorado State Association of Health Underwriters, presented to the committee. She discussed the role of health insurance brokers before the exchange was in place. Ms. Niederman explained the ease of making changes to enrollment information prior to the exchange. She explained the delays of fees getting to health insurance carriers. Ms. Niederman discussed allowing health insurance brokers the ability to change enrollment information with the health insurance carriers directly rather than the exchange. She outlined the collaboration between health insurance brokers and the exchange.

08:05 AM

Ms. Niederman discussed the challenges with the call center, members' policies inadvertently being terminated, the issues that arise when changes are made to subsidies, and the renewal process. She reiterated that the enrollment process should be simple. She referenced the broker roundtable that exists. She said her organization was supportive of Senate Bill 11-200, which created the exchange, and of keeping a state-run exchange. Ms. Niederman said a health insurance broker should be appointed to the board.