Date: 12/17/2014

DPA Supplemental Requests (2)


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09:35 AM -- DPA Supplemental Requests (2)

Mr. Matt Azer, Director of Statewide Programs, Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA) presented two FY 2014-15 state-funded supplemental requests, including: (1) Centennial Building (1313 Sherman Street) Renovation; and (2) Capitol Annex Building (1375 Sherman Street) Renovation. Committee members received a summary of the requests, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachments H and I, respectively). Mr. Azer explained that the need for these projects is outlined in the recently completed Capitol Complex Master Plan. He outlined the deficiencies reported in the building assessment -- included in the master plan -- of 1375 Sherman Street and discussed more costly project alternatives considered by the department. He next outlined the deficiencies reported in the building assessment of 1313 Sherman Street. Mr. Azer addressed a question about the timing of the project request submittal. He also responded to a question about relocating building occupants for the duration of the project. Mr. Larry Friedberg and Ms. Carol Lewis, both representing the Office of the State Architect, DPA, also provided input about relocating tenants for the duration of construction and the associated operating budget impact. Ms. Donaldson responded to a question from the committee about when action on the projects would be scheduled for consideration.

141217 AttachH.pdf141217 AttachH.pdf 141217 AttachI.pdf141217 AttachI.pdf

09:51 AM

Mr. Lance Shepherd, DPA, came to the table to respond to a question about the Armenian Garden on the Capitol Grounds and the installation of a replica khachkar in the garden.