Date: 09/26/2014

Report: Wildfire Preparedness Activities Undertaken at the Local Level


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09:03 AM -- Report: Wildfire Preparedness Activities Undertaken at the Local Level

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Ms. Meghan Storrie, Legislative Liason for the Colorado Municipal League, and Mr. Andy Karsian, Legislative Liaison for Colorado Counties, Inc., briefed the committee on wildfire preparedness activities undertaken at the local level. Committee members received a report cataloguing these preparedness activities (Attachment A). Mr. Karsian discussed the findings in the report and the appendixes to the report. Ms. Storrie discussed the role of municipalities in wildfire preparedness.

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Senator Jones asked a question regarding the minimum requirements for universal coverage. Mr. Karsian spoke on local jurisdictions with no building codes and said that such properties are still covered under state inspections. Ms. Storrie said that the majority of municipalities have a building code.

09:15 AM

Senator Roberts asked a question regarding state and non-governmental partnerships with local governments. She also asked what municipalities and counties that do not have building codes are doing to address wildfire issues. A map of wildfire risk reduction program grant application recipients was distributed to the committee members (Attachment B).

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Mr. Karsian discussed state and non-governmental partnerships with local governments. Ms. Storrie provided information on municipalities in the wildland-urban interface area.

09:29 AM

Representative Hamner discussed the need to meet goals and to evaluate current progress in local government efforts to mitigate wildfires. Mr. Karsian discussed consolidating information by sharing ideas between local governments.

Senator Roberts asked a question regarding funds from the Department of Natural Resources to mitigate risk. Mr. Karsian and Ms. Storrie discussed the definition of progress and the different opportunities for success of local governments.

09:38 AM

Senator Jones asked a question regarding building codes. Mr. Karsian discussed local and state requirements for building codes. Ms. Storrie provided information on state inspections.