Date: 01/17/2014

Additional Business


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02:49 PM -- Additional Business

Mr. Lance Shepherd, Department of Personnel and Administration, updated the committee on work in the Capitol. He explained that the dome restoration project is nearing completion, which impacts Mr. Brown's Attic and the presidential portrait collection. Mr. Shepherd described plans for additional exhibits in Mr. Brown's Attic, including an exhibit on the dome restoration. He added that the presidential portrait collection could benefit from a descriptive plaque explaining the collection's history. He further explained that restoration work in the House and Senate chambers will begin in May. Ms. Holst suggested that the subcommittee for Mr. Brown's Attic also address proposed exhibit changes to include the dome restoration project. Mr. Nichols asked that History Colorado continue to be consulted regarding exhibit designs.

02:56 PM

Senator Newell explained that the Senate and House plan to have a joint resolution regarding the dome restoration, and she noted that a reopening celebration is being planned.

Ms. Eddins told the committee that the House is going forward with the sculpting of a bust of former Speaker of the House Bev Bledsoe, which will be located in the House lobby. Senator Newell and Ms. Eddins clarified that the bust will be dedicated on March 24, 2014.

02:59 PM

The committee adjourned.