Date: 11/21/2014

Visitor Services Updates


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03:07 PM -- Visitor Services Updates

Ms. Theresa Holst, Legislative Council Staff, introduced Erika Osterberg, the new Assistant Visitor Services Manager, to the committee.

Ms. Holst updated the committee on various visitor services programs, including Colorado Day and the dome rededication ceremony. Mr. Nichols commended Ms. Holst on the success of the Colorado Day program. Senator Newell noted how much she enjoyed the dome rededication.

Ms. Holst discussed the relocation of the visitor services desks. She described the new state symbols and emblems brochure (Attachment E). Senator Newell suggested that legislators all receive a copy of the brochure, perhaps electronically and on their desks. Committee members discussed distribution of the brochures with Ms. Holst. Mr. Nichols requested that brochures be made available to school groups at History Colorado as well. Senator Newell suggested that state libraries also receive the brochures.

Attachment E.pdfAttachment E.pdf

03:25 PM

Ms. Holst showed the committee photos of newly installed plaques and exhibits in the building (Attachment F).

Attachment F.pdfAttachment F.pdf

Marie Shapiro, Reed Art and Imaging, updated the committee on the new children's exhibit in Mr. Brown's Attic. She described the exhibit of state symbols and emblems and provided highlights of the new exhibit. Mr. Nichols clarified with Ms. Shapiro that the exhibit should be completed by December 12, 2014.

03:30 PM

Ms. Holst noted that the Colorado Quilting Council would not be pursuing a Capitol Quilt Show in 2015. Senator Newell thanked Ms. Holst for her work with the council.

03:32 PM

Ms. Eddins and Mr. Pechota discussed displaying the moon rocks. Mr. Lee discussed the Capitol Christmas tree, which he plans to install on November 28, 2014.

Senator Newell noted that this meeting would likely be her last as committee chair, and she thanked the committee members for their work.

03:36 PM

The committee adjourned.