Date: 09/10/2014

Public Testimony


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10:26 AM -- Public Testimony

10:26 AM -- Chris Olson, representing USA Firefighting Air Corps, introduced himself to the committee. He discussed the role of private sector research and development to address wildfires. Mr. Olson spoke on public and private partnerships to enhance aircraft capabilities and the need to provide greater resources for firefighting efforts. He provided a handout to the committee (Attachment E). He said that there are no costs to the state except to provide cooperation.

140910 AttachE.pdf140910 AttachE.pdf

Senator King asked questions regarding the total cost of aircraft renovation and if Colorado companies would be used. Mr. Olson said that the current costs are unknown. He said that the aircraft would be under private ownership with a lease to the state.

Senator Nicholson discussed the value of leasing equipment and the use for experts for maintenance. Mr. Olson discussed the benefits for the companies and the minimal impact on the state. He said that it is important to continue the programs in order to end reliance on federal air fleets. Senator Nicholson said that the committee needs to be provided with the leasing information.

Senator King asked about the use of leased aircraft in relation to the federal government and if DFPC would remain in control of the air fleet. Mr. Olson said that the companies need the cooperation of the state government. He said that Director Cooke and DPFC would directly oversee all air fleet operations.

10:39 AM --
R.C. Smith, Fire Recovery Manager, El Paso County, introduced himself to the committee. He discussed the wildfire recovery efforts in El Paso County. Mr. Smith discussed the impact of sediment in the area due to the fire destruction. He said that there needs to be resources available for wildfire recovery and sediment impact.

Senator King said that natural disaster recovery in Colorado Springs is unique because of wildfires and floods. He said the legislature needs to provide recovery resources for El Paso County. Mr. Smith discussed the difference in recovery from the different areas in El Paso County and the impact on water sources.

10:48 AM

Senator King asked how much of the unburned areas in El Paso County are state or federal land. Mr. Smith said that he did not have exact data, but that most of the unburned area is federal land. Senator King asked about the control of the watershed.

Representative Exum discussed the potential impact of storm water. Mr. Smith spoke on the storm water initiative.