Date: 03/13/2014

BILL SUMMARY for HB14-1263


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

03:07 PM -- HB14-1263

Representatives Gerou and McCann came to the table to present House Bill 14-1263. They described the purpose of the bill, which, as amended by the House Health Insurance and Environment Committee, increases the age limit so that cigarettes may not be sold to or purchased or possessed by a person under the age of 21. They spoke to the harmful health effects of smoking, smoking rates in the United States, and the fiscal impact of the bill. The representatives responded to questions on the availability of data surrounding the differing levels of addiction to cigarettes by age, how much of the revenue raised by the bill would be directed towards educational non-smoking programs, whether the bill adequately protects the people it is seeking to protect, and which individuals can be convicted of a criminal offense under the bill.

03:26 PM --
Dr. Bill Burman, representing Denver Public Health, spoke in favor of the bill. Dr. Burman stated that the fiscal note for the bill only provides analysis of the effect of the bill on revenue, and does not incorporate the public healthcare costs of smoking. He explained the largest healthcare costs that arise from smoking-related diseases. Dr. Burman responded to questions on the costs of smoking-related diseases, and the smoking habits of people of different ages.

03:32 PM --
Anita Roberts, representing the March of Dimes, spoke in favor of the bill. Ms. Roberts spoke to the health care costs of smoking-related diseases, and the prevalence of smoking in Colorado.

03:38 PM

Kerry White, Legislative Council Staff, came to the table to respond to questions on the fiscal note for the bill. The bill sponsors spoke to a question on how the bill would affect those in the military.

03:46 PM

The bill was laid over to a future meeting, with the opportunity for more witness testimony, and the meeting was adjourned.